why the red-blue did not quarantine


  • CONTEXT: FCSB is the only League 1 team that has made a camp outside the country, despite the bans imposed amid the coronavirus pandemic. UTA also crossed the border, but only for a friendly match with Szeged.
  • GSP requested official opinions from the Romanian authorities with responsibility in this case: the Government, the Ministry of Health, the Public Health Directorates of Bucharest and Ilfov. Absolutely everyone had the same response: “We did not receive any requests and we did not offer any approval to the FCSB to avoid a possible quarantine.”
  • The FCSB delegation returned to Romania today. He escaped from quarantine. DSP decided to exempt each player individually, not at the team level.

DSP, “thin” explanation for the FCSB case

Oana Nicolescu rejected dialogue with the Gaceta journalists and preferred to send a message instead. The director of DSP Bucharest speaks of a certain “proof” shown at the airport by the heads of the reddish delegation, a role, most likely, that would certify that the team played an international competition. However, FCSB has not yet made any official information about the supposed friendly, the name of the opponent or the final score. Therefore, the DSP suggests that the authorities took the red-blues at their word, without having initiated additional verification on their own behalf.

“The members of the sports delegation of the FCSB Football Club presented the DSPMB representatives operating at Henri Coandă International Airport the proof of participation in an international sports competition held in Belek-Antalya, Turkey, which is why they were exempted from the quarantine measure under article 1 paragraph 1 lit. t) of CNSU Decision No. 48/2020 that modifies article 3 of CNSU Decision No. 36/2020 “, is the motivation that the director of DSP Bucharest sent to the newspaper.

What art. 1 par. 1 on. t) of CNSU Decision no. 48/2020 They are exempt from the quarantine measure: “Romanian athletes, who carry out their activity in other states and who are summoned to national teams to represent Romania in sports competitions organized in accordance with the law, members of Romanian sports delegations who Romanian officials and referees who have been delegates to international competitions, as well as journalists accredited in these competitions, return to Romania for in international sports competitions “.

Gigi Becali, owner of the FCSB, said this Tuesday morning that his team will play a friendly match on the campus in Turkey and that, in this way, the rojiblancos will no longer have to be in quarantine.

VIDEO. FCSB returned to the country today

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