Why the PNL lost the elections. Key moment to understand the difference


“I tell you here that the government made big mistakes. The biggest mistake is in communication ”, as Cezar Preda explained the collapse of PDL in 2012.

“Communication is not a game, it is not a passing fad. A constant bad communication, made alandala, induces a feeling of mistrust among the population, which is fundamental for the stability of the Government”, explained Liviu Dragnea about the problems of the PSD, in 2019.

“The PNL has a communication problem, the electorate is unaware of the good things it did in government,” Orban explained the electoral failure of this year.

“In the coming weeks, it is essential that communication be improved,” explained a technocratic minister, who returned to power through RSU, on the first day of his mandate.

Implicitly, in these sentences, there is a reproach to the public, that they would not be able to recognize the value, that they cannot pass the container, to see the bottom.

That’s what a repeater would say: he had solved the problem, he knew the lesson, but if he did not have a parrot, the master’s sucker passed only to the winner.

All ancient rulers refer to communication as a solution or, more precisely, they see communication in the Solution. We could “make them talk,” but look, we focused on the facts, we got down to business, and we ignored the image.

In short, damn it! There is no greater concern for image than in politics. Doino, Ludovice, you lost in the elections not too much communication, but too much communication, oblivious to reality.

There is no more suggestive “image” to understand how NLP fell from 35 to 25 percent than Orban’s visit to Cantacuzino, for the launch of Orostim. The next day, when people rushed to buy their anti-COVID medicine, they found that the Institute only had a hundred boxes in stock and that it could not produce enough food supplements for those in line, let alone 18 million voters. .

That was the NLP government … but that’s not all, as they say in teleshopping. The Coalition government begins, with Stelian Ion in Justice, to take just one example. Here you can see the agreement between word and fact. Although, as USR prosecutors will establish, the act (of taking a study through fraud) does not exist.
