Why it is important to consume vitamin D daily during the period of isolation. An explanation from a British professor.


Why it is important to consume vitamin D daily during the period of isolation. An explanation from a British professor and whether there is a link between vitamin D deficiency and the risk of taking Covid-19.

Why it is important to consume vitamin D daily during the period of isolation. An explanation from a British professor.

Intake of vitamin D is important for bone and muscle health. During the period of isolation, when sun exposure is less, the intake of vitamins should be constant for both adults and children.

Vitamin D is secreted by the body after sun exposure for at least 10 minutes. Isolated people may be deficient in this extremely important vitamin. Vitamin D strengthens the immune system.

A study is being done to see if this is important in relation to Covid-19 infection. The researchers say that if you are deficient in vitamin D, you have a 3-4 times greater risk of catching a cold.

Intake of vitamin D is critical to the health of the muscular and skeletal system. Give your children vitamin D during this time and take it too!

Intake of vitamin D is critical to the health of the muscular and skeletal system. Give your children vitamin D during this time and take it too!

Vitamin D deficiency predisposes to colds

“If you are deficient in vitamin D, you have a 3-4 times higher risk of catching a cold.” Therefore, we assume that a respiratory viral infection, like Covid-19, is more violent in a person with vitamin D deficiency, “says Jenna Macciochi, professor at the University of Sussex:”Take 10 micrograms of vitamin D daily to maintain healthy bones and muscles. You can buy it in pharmacies

According to specialists, children between 0 and 12 months need 400 ul / day, pregnant women – 600 ul / day for pregnant women, and children over 1 year, adolescents and adults – 800 UL for people over 70 years.

Vitamin D is naturally produced by the body when the skin is exposed to the sun. Just 10 minutes spent outdoors would be enough for the body’s needs. This vitamin is also found in foods such as liver, beef, fish (cod, tuna, salmon, sardines), yogurts, oranges, whole grains, or egg yolks.
