Why is quarantine not working on Ilfov


The head of the Department of Emergency Situations (DSU), Secretary of State Raed Arafat, assures that, in general, the signals received from the quarantine of some localities are “positive”, the growth rate of new coronavirus infections is decreasing these measures don’t work in some areas.

“We have different situations at the moment. We have areas that are above 3 per thousand, we have areas between 1.5 and 3 per thousand, even localities and regions. We have areas that are in quarantine at the moment, localities that are going to leave , if they go down to a satisfactory level. The signals based on the quarantine that has been carried out are positive. In most of the localities quarantined for 14, 21, 27 days or even 30 days, you are already coming out of quarantine, because they have reached a level below 5, after starting with 10-11 (…) We continue with the measures that were imposed. (…) The only measure that was not extended was the closure of the agri-food markets “, explained Raed Arafat.

In Ilfov it is a more special situation because it is on the border with Bucharest. It’s a bit more difficult to control the situation there.

Raed Arafat

the head of the Emergency Situations Department

Referring to the quarantine of some towns in Ilfov, Raed Arafat said: “Ilfov is still under our supervision. There is a more special situation, because it is on the border with Bucharest. It’s a bit more difficult to control the situation there. “

Huge infection rates

In fact, according to official figures, with few exceptions, in the city of Magurele, for example, the quarantine measure did not bear much fruit in Ilfov. Precisely for this reason, a few days ago, the quarantine measure was extended in the towns of Corbeanca, Dobroeşti, Mogoşoaia, Otopeni and Popeşti-Leordeni in Ilfov county. According to Ilfov Prefecture, the decisions are made as a result of orders issued in this regard by the head of the Department of Emergency Situations, Secretary of State Raed Arafat. “The extension of the zonal quarantine measure for the five towns of Ilfov was proposed as a result of the focus area risk analyzes prepared by the Ilfov Directorate of Public Health and the approvals issued by the National Institute of Public Health,” said the Prefecture.

The cited source mentions that, according to the data transmitted by DSP Ilfov, the cumulative incidence rate is 7.76 / 1,000 inhabitants for the commune of Corbeanca, 7.01 / 1,000 inhabitants for the commune of Dobroeşti, 7.97 / 1000 inhabitants for the commune of Mogoşoaia, 8, 89 / 1,000 inhabitants for the city of Otopeni and 8.98 / 1,000 inhabitants for the city of Popeşti-Leordeni. Baloteşti (8.85), Bragadiru (9.59), Chiajna (8.01), Dobroeşti (7.57), Domneşti (7.25) are also “leaders” in this field and without any tendency to improve. and Pantelimon (6.68).

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