Why Igor Dodon Ignores Romania’s Help? | Marius Diaconescu


April 10, 2020: Igor Dodon personally participates in receiving aid from China

China shipped 3 tons of medical equipment: medical masks and suits, infrared thermometers, medical screens / glasses, surgical gloves, barrels, and other protective equipment. On April 10 Igor Dodon, flanked by the ministers of health and interior, “participated in the ceremony to receive the batch of humanitarian aid” sent by China. Chinese aid came through Kiev, being transported there along with aid to Ukraine.

April 19, 2020: Igor Dodon personally participates in the reception of protective equipment purchased in China by the Republic of Moldova and transported free of charge by Russia

The government in Chisinau bought from china medical equipment, which was transported by a Russian transport plane, provided “free” by the Russian Federation. At the airport, the plane was received by Igor Dodon, along with the Russian and Chinese ambassadors.

The medical equipment was purchased by the government in Chisinau and by companies and NGOs in the Republic of Moldova: 80,000 tests for COVID-19, 80,000 extraction kits, 280,000 KN 95 masks, 600,000 pairs. of medical gloves, 50 thousand sampling tubes, thousands of screens and glasses, overalls, infrared thermometers and others. “The President of the Republic of Moldova sincerely thanked the Russian partners and personally the President of the Russian Federation, Vladimir Putin, for offering the plane for free. AN-124 “Ruslan” of the Russian Aerospace Forces “.

Russia only provided transportation, with an estimated value, according to various information circulating on the Internet, of $ 650,000. But the Russian propaganda apparatus presented the news in such a way that the least-informed population would believe that the cargo on that plane was Russian humanitarian aid. Maria Zaharova, official representative of the MFA of the Russian Federation, said at a press conference that “on April 19 the joint Russian-Chinese humanitarian assistance operation for Moldova has been completed. The Russian military transport aircraft AH-124 “Ruslan” transported more than 50 tons of Chinese medical products from Shanghai to Chisinau to fight the coronavirus. The Russian press in Chisinau promoted the press release in Moscow without saying a word that the respective equipment was purchased, not donated: noi.md and sputnik.md or news.yam.md.

April 30, 2020: Igor Dodon is not present to receive humanitarian aid from Romania and remembers the rules of diplomacy only the next day, in a trivial post on his Facebook account

On April 30, a humanitarian convoy arrived in Chisinau, with a first tranche of protective medical equipment and a team of 52 people, doctors, paramedics and nurses, who will work for two weeks in Moldovan hospitals with patients with coronavirus. 19. On the same day, April 30, 2020, the Bucharest government approved the allocation of 3,500,000 (three million and five hundred thousand) euros for the provision of emergency medical assistance to the Republic of Moldova.

The Romanian delegation was led by a ministerial team at the highest possible level: Foreign Minister Bogdan Aurescu, Defense Minister Nicolae Ciuca, and Secretary of State Raed Arafat.

The Foreign Minister, Oleg Ţulea, and the Minister of Health, Viorica Dumbrăveanu, were present at the ceremony for receiving Romanian assistance from the Moldovan authorities.

Igor Dodon was reluctant to participate, probably because Russia’s $ 650,000 aid, which cost the Chisinau government to buy equipment from China on April 19, is far more important than the aid of more than 3.5 million euros offered by Romania.

Although he is very active on Facebook, on April 30 he did not write a word about Romanian aid. Only the next day, on May 1, at 1 p.m., he pretended to remember the rules of common sense diplomacy and posted on his Facebook account a message of thanks to Romania and President Klaus Iohannis.

He was busy on April 30, when he boasted on Facebook that the rain had caught him in the yard of his parents’ house in Sadova.

Just a Facebook message for Romania’s help. Instead, for much less help from Russia or China, Igor Dodon was personally present at the airport. In fact, on April 10 and 19, the presidential administration even issued press releases.

Another absent: the Minister of Defense, Alexandru Pînzari

Diplomatic rules say that in the case of a minister’s visit to another state, his counterpart greets him there. The Romanian Defense Minister Nicolae Ciuca was personally in Chisinau on April 30, 2020. His counterpart, the Minister of Defense of the Republic of Moldova, Alexandru Pinzari, did not meet personally with the Romanian Minister, who came to Chisinau nor did he delegate a secretary of state to replace and respect him diplomatic protocol. The Romanian minister, N. Ciuca, who was personally in Chisinau, only spoke by phone to the Moldovan minister.

There is absolutely no word on the website of the Ministry of Defense of the Republic of Moldova about the visit of the Romanian Defense Minister to Chisinau, nor about the telephone conversation with the Moldovan Minister, nor about the humanitarian aid provided by Romania, including doctors Romanian military volunteers. A section dedicated to actions against the pandemic.

There is absolutely no word on the Facebook account of Moldovan Defense Minister Alexandru Pînzari, although he was active and posted several messages on both April 30 and May 1.

The press and politicians in Chisinau on Romania’s aid

The Moldovan press presented Romanian humanitarian aid in materials reduced to excerpts from statements by Romanian or Moldovan officials or in more consistent articles, especially accompanied by many enthusiastic comments from Romanians in Bessarabia. The Russian press, even in Romanian, was limited to short articles, like banal news, minimizing the aid of Romania.

For example, Accent TV published a news story about the aid of 15,000 masks and 1,000 overalls received from China the same day, April 30, but no separate news story about Romania’s humanitarian aid. It was mentioned in a story about the meeting of the two foreign ministers. And by the title of a news story cut in the context of Prime Minister Ion Chicu’s speech, “Romanian doctors will have a good exchange of experiences with Moldovan doctors”, it could be understood that Romanian doctors came to Moldova to learn from Moldovan doctors how to pandemic, especially since there are many articles praising the “efficiency” of the Moldovan authorities. The examples may continue, but the Russian press in Chisinau takes over and multiplies roughly the same texts, probably written by a single editorial office.

Humanitarian aid is not waiting for thanks, because you are not helping someone to thank you. Thanks to the authorities, including President Igor Dodon, they are part of the diplomatic communication. The communicator’s message, format and mimicry are perceived and interpreted as a diplomatic message, whether or not it has common sense, which is ultimately not related to the Moscow School of Diplomacy or Political Science, but to the 7-year-old. From home

With the exception of the Socialists, some of whom show exacerbated hatred of Romania and the European Union, most politicians have appreciated Romania’s humanitarian aid. Beyond the declarations in “diplomatic” language, we must admit that the majority of the population of the Republic of Moldova appreciates the support of Romania, as stated by Maia Sandu, former prime minister, opposition leader in Chisinau:

“The Dodon government’s mismanagement of the pandemic crisis has brought the Republic of Moldova’s healthcare system to the brink of collapse: we have the highest infection rate of medical personnel in Europe, if not the world (988 out of 3897 cases.) Frontline doctors have sacrificed the incompetence of the authorities, running out of protective equipment and protocols. However, even after the outbreak of the pandemic crisis, Dodon did not stop playing the geopolitical book On the one hand, it also tries to highlight aid from Russia, China, Turkey and Hungary, on the other hand, it accused the lack of support from the West and Romania The announcements made by the EU to send did not respond financial aid worth 87 million eurosbut also the announcement by President Iohannis to send to Moldova a group of doctors and a batch of protective equipment, so necessary to combat the epidemic. Only harsh criticism from the opposition and civil society made Dodon vanish his romanophobia and half-salute the Romanian state’s help. But, apparently, this natural gesture of gratitude seemed excessive to him, because immediately the people around him began to take Romania’s help for granted.

We apologize to Romania for this abject behavior of the rulers in Chisinau, but we assure you that the great Most citizens of the Republic of Moldova are deeply grateful for the spirit of solidarity and selfless help. that granted us!

Former Prime Minister Maia Sandu’s message would continue with an appeal to the Romanian authorities, non-profit organizations, the Romanian Patriarchate and anyone who can provide minimal aid against the Covid-19 coronavirus, to continue humanitarian support despite of the anti-Roman statements of irresponsible politicians.

Hospitals in the Republic of Moldova are in great need medical equipment, not just protective equipment: masks, gloves, overalls, visors, glasses, etc. – but also of research and treatment equipment: pulmonary ventilators, consumables for ventilators, infusers, vital function monitors, hemofiltration kits, dialysis monitors, imaging machines, and others. It is essential during this period to communicate between specialists, between authorities, regardless of political troubles, between politicians, because The most important thing right now is to save people’s lives!

False problem of Hungarian interference in the Republic of Moldova

Two days before the arrival of the Romanian delegation to Chisinau, the Hungarian Foreign Minister, Péter Szijjártó, brought humanitarian aid of several thousand masks and surgical gloves. Hungary received these protective equipment as a gift from China, that is, Hungary’s only cost was transportation from Budapest to Chisinau, on the plane with which the minister also traveled. For Hungary it was a hard blow for Romania.

The enthusiasm shown by politicians and the Russian press in Bessarabia diluted anti-Hungarian reactions in Bucharest, exactly what the artisans in Budapest wanted. We Romanians have a great talent for easily falling into the traps set by the Hungarians.

The author of this rapprochement between Hungary and the Republic of Moldova is the current Minister of Foreign Affairs of Chisinau, Oleg Ţulea, who was previously ambassador to Budapest, a position that allowed him to develop special relations with Hungarian dignitaries. His appointment as minister is likely due to the mediation of Viktor Orban’s visit to Chisinau in mid-March.

Budapest is not interested in the Republic of Moldova today, yesterday. After 1993, there were always Hungarian citizens in various positions, quite important, in the representations of Chisinau of some international institutions. His presence there was not accidental.

The Republic of Moldova is only one card for Hungary, one of many others, against Romania. Budapest is closely monitoring and supporting the autonomy of Gagauzia and the special state of Transnistria. It is not only Russia’s Trojan horse in the European Union, but it is constantly pursuing its own interests through active and systematic policy.

Hungary does not rule out the possibility of, at some point, the reintegration of Bessarabia with Romania. That is why it is an important gamble for Gagauzia and Transnistria to obtain a special status within the Republic of Moldova, which would force Romania, after the Union, to grant similar status to Hungarians in Romania.

The populist statements by the Hungarian minister exalted the socialists in Chisinau, who rushed to swear in Romania on the humanitarian aid sent by Bucharest to Moldova and glorify Hungary. They can dig their own well. For example, Hungarian officials in Chisinau are campaigning for the establishment of an ethnic-based Gagauz party in Gagauzia, following the UDMR model. If your plan is successful, how many more votes will the socialists in Gagauzia count?

What is at stake in the visit of the Romanian Foreign and Defense Ministers to Chisinau

Officially, Ministers Bogdan Aurescu and Nicolae Ciuca accompanied the Romanian humanitarian convoy to the Republic of Moldova. This is the stated purpose of your visit to Chisinau. But beyond the appearances of the statements, the actual participation in the presence of the two ministers in Bessarabia is much greater.

These days, a “life and death” fight is taking place in Chisinau between Russia and the European Union. The crisis caused by the pandemic has distorted public attention from the scale of the battle in the Republic of Moldova.

In the guise of a $ 200 million loan from Russia to the Moldovan state, there is a strategy to undermine the statehood of the Republic of Moldova by reducing it to a Russian colony.

The credit agreement has several provisions that have absolutely nothing to do with the loan itself, but oblige the Moldovan authorities to perpetual servitude. The Moldovan government guarantees all Moldovan loans and debts in the Russian Federation, regardless of whether they are made by the state or by commercial entities. Therefore, through this credit agreement, the Chisinau authorities will always be at the mercy of Moscow, which will be able to execute the claims at any time, depending on the degree of submission of the Moldovan rulers.

Only if we limit ourselves to the historical debt for Russian gas, caused otherwise by the separatist regime in Tiraspol, which does not pay for the gas consumed, blackmailing the Chisinau government with the cessation of electricity supply, Russia will already have the knot for suffocate the Republic. Moldova. This is because the Russians have a majority stake in the indebted company, Moldovagaz.

The last bastion of resistance against the weakening of the state of the Republic of Moldova by the Russian Federation through this credit agreement is the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Moldova. The CC judges blocked the entry into force of the law on this credit agreement. For several days there has been enormous pressure on Russian judges and the Moldovan authorities subject to Moscow: the judges are rejected, threatened and tried by the Superior Council of the Magistracy (SCM), which is dominated by Igor Dodon’s men, is say. Moscow.

The interference of the political authorities in the Constitutional Court will block any form of financing of the Republic of Moldova by the European Union, which conditions the granting of subsidies for the observance of the rule of law.

The statements of the two Romanian ministers present in Chisinau on April 30 contain a clear message in favor of the rule of law and against the Russian Federation weakening the state of the Republic of Moldova.

The absence of President Igor Dodon at the humanitarian aid ceremony, the delay and format of his message of thanks, the “active” passivity of Defense Minister Alexandru Pinzari, the attacks on Romania by politicians who are subservient to Moscow and the reaction from the Russian press in Bessarabia clearly show the response to the Moldovan authorities to the Romanian message: PROSHCHAY EVROPA, DA ZDRAVSTVUYET ROSSIYA! (Goodbye Europe, long live Russia!).
