Why Harutu refused to sign the contract with FCSB. How could you lose money without power?


  • League 1: Gaz Metan Mediaș – Volunteers, Tuesday, 17:00, Digi Sport 1

  • League 1: University of Craiova – Sepsi Sfântu Gheorghe, Tuesday, 19:45, Digi Sport 1

The rules do not allow any club to make a contract of more than five years for a footballer, but Becali prevented the player from being linked to his team for seven years, so he made them two contracts that he gave her to sign.

Denis Haruţ also refused to sign two contracts because he could lose money

The footballer refused and preferred to return to Botosani. If he had signed both contracts, in addition to being tied to one team for so many years, he would risk losing money. Becali could promise that this would not happen, but the promise could not be written into the agreement.

FCSB offered him a five-year contract, according to which he had a salary of 11,000 euros per month in the first year, then 12,000, 13,000, 14,000 and 15,000, respectively. And the second contract, with other start and end dates, in which he had a fixed salary of 15,000 euros.

Inclusive the player saidOn Saturday night, he is happy about the transfer, but then things took an unexpected turn.

In the second contract, Harutu’s salary was fixed, 15,000 euros per month

Why was it possible that Denis lost money? Because according to the regulations, when you sign a new contract with the same team, you have to pass a clause related to the club’s debts with you. If there are arrears, of course. Otherwise, in the absence of details, you will lose that money.

Hypothetically, a player may not be paid for several months during the last year of the deal. He presents a memorandum in which he asks for his arrears and wants to become a free player, but the club introduces the new contract signed by the footballer. The player loses money and is still at the club’s disposal.

The first contract that Denis Haruţ had to sign with FCSB lasted until June 30, 2026 and the second began on July 1, 2026.

A sports lawyer advised Harut, not Marius Croitoru

Gigi Becali said that due to Marius Croitoru the transfer to FCSB was not made.

But the truth is different. The player received information from a sports law attorney, who presented him with the options he may face to carry out the contract.

Denis analyzed them and decided that it was best for him to return to Botosani.

Tags: Gigi Becali , denis harut , transfer harut , sports law
