Why did Jonathan die, a 14-year-old whose heart died before an operation for appendicitis


According to forensic experts from Iaşi, cited by BZI, the causes of the child’s death are cerebral edema, liver hematoma and cerebral hemorrhage. The triggering factor would be the cocktail of drugs administered to the young man before the operation, which caused a blood clotting disorder.

Jonathan Pârlea was allegedly allergic to one of the drugs, which caused his illness. Neither his family nor the doctors knew about this allergy. “At the uni levelWhat can be called an adverse event of medical activity was registered, an unfavorable evolution of a patient admitted to the Surgery Service of our unit. On October 2, I convened a committee to analyze cases. A first conclusion: the adverse event was caused by an adverse reaction to medication administered under pre-anesthesia, such as analgesia, ”said Cătălina Roşca, manager of the Paşcani hospital.

The family does not file a complaint

In early October, Jonathan went to the Paşcani CF Hospital, where he must undergo an operation for appendicitis. The health unit was chosen by the parents of the teenager. They trusted the surgeon who was going to perform the operation, based on previous family experiences.

MEIn the operating room, the boy was given three medications to prepare him for general anesthesia. After the administration of the cocktail of substances, the adolescent went into cardiorespiratory arrest. As the doctors began the resuscitation maneuvers, the surgeon who was supposed to operate on Jonathan called his father. Dan Pârlea was rushed to hospital, where he learned that his son was struggling between life and death.

„M-am meWhen I returned to Paşcani in an emergency, he was upset, what had happened to him, the doctor told me that he had not touched him, but that he had had a heart attack. I asked the anesthesiologist if she had anesthesia and she said yes. He also told me that the boy spoke to them until they finished. ThatNorth Dakota they finished (no anesthesia), he no longer spoke, probably then he went into cardiorespiratory arrest “, said the fatherHe added that he did not intend to file any complaints against the doctors, citing religious reasons. From the Paşcani hospital, Jonathan was transferred, in an extremely serious condition, to the Children’s Hospital “Sfânta Maria ”from Iaşi, where she died on October 10.

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