Why did Bianca Dragusanu go to Dubai? Following her, the biggest case of pimping exploded


Alex Bodi, Bianca Dragusanu’s ex-husband, is in trouble with the law. This morning, the man known as a businessman was questioned by DIICOT prosecutors, who intend to dismantle a large network of thieves involved in prostitution, usury and high-risk drug trafficking. There were declines in various directions in Ilfov, Brașov, Dolj, Gorj, Giurgiu, Olt, Sibiu and Vâlcea counties.

As for prostitution, the underworld recruited girls who were forced into prostitution in nightclubs, some of whom were beaten, raped and others sold.

Bianca Dragușanu spoke about her ex-husband’s problems with the law. She hopes Bodi can overcome these problems.

“I’m sorry that Alex is going through this. I found out from the press now. I don’t know anything about the charges against him, but I am convinced that he will not be found guilty. I am convinced that this situation will come out OK, as it always did. of any situation. I’m sorry again. I’m sure it will be okay. That’s all I have to say, “Bianca Drăgușanu told cancan.ro. The former television assistant is in Dubai with Ramona Gabor.

He left for Dubai a few days before the investigation began. She said she was invited by Ramona Gabor, Monica Gabor’s younger sister, to advertise a perfume for her. Additionally, Dragusanu would intend to expand his business in Dubai.

Opposition victims were kidnapped and beaten

“Under the coordination of the leader, the foundations of a criminal group specialized mainly in human trafficking, trafficking in minors and pimping, and secondarily in blackmail (as a consequence of the payment of protection fees) were laid.

The victims who, after being transported abroad, refused to engage in prostitution were kidnapped and subjected to extreme violence (including rape), so that they would decide not to resist.

In most cases, the victims were kept in buildings rented by the leader of the group, they were transported daily to places where they were forced to engage in prostitution, they were permanently controlled / supervised and the money was taken entirely by members of the group. specified in the DIICOT release.
