Whoever wants to put a chip on me, don’t put it on me with a virus, put it on me out of fear, through a conspiracy that can destabilize


If God gives us tools – including scientific ones – to be wise and defend ourselves, let’s not tempt God and say: On faith saves me! Faith saves us, but some medical measures heal us on this earth and are not in contradiction to each other, and the vaccine has always been one of the tools by which we can stay healthy, says Catholic priest Francis Dobos.

“During this period, it is more important to unite faith and science to avoid conspiracy readings. We can always find something to fear. Recently, a clip with masks went viral, which would contain nano-cyclo-particles and so on, I saw others explanations … For a man who truly believes in God and does not live a faith at a somewhat superstitious level, there is no It may be this approach that leads me to the area of ​​conspiracy ”, stated Father Francisc Doboș on Digi24.” Whoever wants to put a chip on me, don’t put it on me with a virus, put it on me out of fear, put it on me through a conspiracy, which can destabilize a country, can destabilize nations and can bite one “against the other. ¡ And this thing, in the job description, belongs to the devil! Let us be careful, the faithful, but also those who do not believe, to respect each other “, urges the priest.

He admits that there is a general feeling of tiredness, but at the same time, he says that it is important not to neglect some precautionary measures that can help us. “Perhaps I do not suffer anything if it infects me, but if I am reckless and end up with the virus, I can spread it to people who cannot cope with it and can die. What responsibility do I have with those people, to whom I could infect because of my recklessness, because of my carelessness? Exactly, saying that God saves me and faith takes care of us, so as not to wake up later than when we met God, to reproach me for giving me more tools at hand – he gave me faith, but he also gave me reason – why didn’t I use both? – says Francisc Doboș.

“We use faith even if we get vaccinated. We don’t get vaccinated out of fear, but with the confidence that God provides us with tools to help our fellow men not only stay alive, escape alive, but have a more lifelong relationship. late, when the pandemic ends.: to return to our churches, to our homes, to fill our streets, to resume the holidays, the football games in the stadium and the concerts in which we usually participate ”, explained Father Doboș.

Editor: Luana Pavaluca
