Who won season 8 of chefs in knives. The contestant impressed with his dishes, but also with his story.


Season no. 8 of the Chefs at Knives fair ended with the winner appointing Ionut Belei, from Chef Sorin Bontea’s team.

Three competitors reached the final: Ionut Belei, Roxana Blenche and Maria Sandru. The fight was close, but Ionut Belei managed to win the grand prize of 30,000 euros.

Ionut impressed with his dishes, yes with the story of his life. At just 19 years old, the young man tried his hand at construction, but ended up in a German kitchen. Since then, Ionut knew that he had found his passion, writes Libertatea.ro.

Although he has a degree in electrician, Ionut Belei chose cooking by chance 7 years ago, and later ended up working with Michelin-starred chefs.

Sorin Bontea, whose team was Ionut Belei, wanted to congratulate him on his Facebook page.

“I hope you get a chance to try the dishes made by @ionutgeorgelbelei. So you will understand why this guy just shines in the kitchen.

Congratulations, Ionut! ”Wrote chef Sorin Bontea.


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