WHO explosive document. What has happened in the last 20 years and we did not know?


The information appears in a document that was made public by the World Health Organization (WHO) and that analyzes the main causes of death worldwide in the last two decades (2000-2019). According to this report, in 2019 the majority of deaths were caused by non-communicable diseases, with heart disease first, according to AFP.

According to the WHO document, 9 million of all deaths in 2019 were caused by heart disease, while their number was 7 million in 2000. According to the situations analyzed, things are better in Europe, where they were registered with 15% fewer deaths from heart disease, but they have worsened in the countries of the Western Pacific region.

The WHO did not take into account the year 2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic that has so far caused the death of 1.5 million people, according to official statistics, and this could upset the ranking. Even so, the number of deaths caused by the new coronavirus worldwide is less than the 9 million deaths that were registered a year ago, in 2019, due to heart problems.

The situation has deteriorated every year

The WHO analysis shows that compared to the year 2000, the first to be taken into account, when only 4 non-communicable diseases were among the top ten causing the highest number of deaths, in 2019 their number almost doubled, reaching to 7. With in other words, seven non-communicable diseases are among the top ten with the highest mortality rate.

The document concludes that, in this context, the increase in mortality from non-communicable diseases requires greater efforts on the part of medical authorities to prevent and treat these types of diseases, especially those of a cardiovascular nature, chronic respiratory diseases, cancer or diabetes.

WHO Director Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus highlighted the need for urgent action to improve the primary health care system.

“A strong primary health care system is obviously the foundation on which everything from fighting noncommunicable diseases to managing a pandemic is built,” said Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, WHO Director.
