Who can be vaccinated in the second stage of the campaign. What it means for people at high risk or doing essential activities


The Romanian authorities are preparing the second stage of the vaccination campaign, in which the population over 65, people at high risk and workers working in key areas will be immunized. According to the authorities, the campaign could start next week, around January 15.

The coordinator of the vaccination campaign stated that people in the first stage of vaccination, Social and health workers will still be able to get vaccinated, even if the next stage of the vaccination campaign begins.

In the public system, but also in the private one, they have already begun to prepare lists of vaccination programming of people who can register in the second stage of the campaign.

How to register for the vaccine

Registrations for the second stage can be made in several ways:

  • through through the employer, for staff working in key and essential areas;
  • individual, directly on the IT platform, for people who have age over 65 years (the application confirms the age by verifying the CNP entered in the registry);
  • via family doctor, for people over 65 and for people with chronic diseases, regardless of age;
  • through the administrator, for people at high risk of medical, social and residential centers;
  • through caretakers, for people over 65;
  • calling call centerelor, for people over 65 and for people registered in chronic diseases, regardless of age;
  • through Directorates of social assistance at the municipal level, for people over 65 and for people with chronic diseases, regardless of age;

Second stage institutions or companies must register and designate a representative as the main user. Depending on the CANE code of the respective company, it will be checked if it performs an essential activity.

If so, the representative of a company or institution may register all employees wishing to be vaccinated, with all their identifying data. The same representative will also schedule the vaccination and choose the online vaccination center.

In the third stage, anyone can make their appointment online. The third stage of the vaccination campaign, which includes the general population that does not work in the medical system or in key areas and is not at risk, is expected to begin in April.

Who can enroll in the second stage vaccine

High risk population

  • Adults over 65 years of age;
  • People with chronic diseases, regardless of age, according to the indications of the vaccines used.

The list of chronic diseases for which people can enroll in the second stage of vaccination has not been finalized, authorities discussed Friday to determine exactly what they are.

Workers working in key, key areas:

-key personnel for the operation of state institutions, respectively Parliament, Presidency, Government, ministries and institutions subordinate to them;

– personnel from the fields of defense, public order, national security and the judiciary;

-staff in the vital economic sector: processing, distribution and marketing of basic foods, namely:

  • bakery, dairy, meats, fruits and vegetables;
  • water plants, water treatment, transportation and distribution;
  • power plants, electricity production, transmission and distribution;
  • units for the production, transport and distribution of liquid and solid fuels;
  • units for the production, transport and distribution of medicines and medical supplies;
  • railway junctions, civil and military airports, essential ports;
  • communications, specifically the special national telecommunications, radio and television service;

-education and nursery staff;

-posters and couriers;

– the personnel of religious cults;

– media personnel carrying out activities with increased risk of exposure to SARS-CoV-2 infection, such as reporting in medical units;

– personnel in the field of sanitation and waste;

The president of the National Coordinator of Vaccination Activities against SARS-CoV-2 (CNCAV), Valeriu Gheorghiță, affirmed this Tuesday, at a press conference, that the second stage of vaccination, which includes more than 5 million elderly people and with chronic diseases, it is estimated that it will begin after January 15, and from April the vaccination of the general population will begin.

At the local level, steps are being taken and discussed to identify and approve the list of vaccination centers for this stage of the campaign.

Editing: Robert Kiss
