“Who am I to save the world?” Forget about me! “Gigi Becali, in a position you never expected


  • FC Voluntari – FCSB (Saturday, at 21:00, Digi Sport 1)

  • Brest – SCM Ramnicu Valcea (Saturday, 19:00, Digi Sport 2)

The financier of FCSB has retired from public life and assures that he does not even want to appear. Those in the team’s entourage they boasted with the fact that they convinced Becali not to speak anymore, so that he could be quiet at FCSB.

In recent days the name of the businessman has been mentioned only through the prism possible transfers to be performed in the red-blue group.

Gigi Becali, disappointed by everyone. Why do you want to be forgotten

Also, the Pipera millionaire declared himself disgusted and said he no longer wants to be associated with one person who solves them all.

Dad, please leave me alone. The press has gotten really bad and I prefer to stay away. I even quit television, I don’t have it anymore. Because I am completely disgusted. Who am I to save the world?

22 million Romanians know me. I can’t solve everyone’s problems. I gave a block to all journalists. I want to live my life in peace. You are the last I speak to. Please forget about me!“Said Gigi Becali, for cancan.ro.

Gigi Becali doesn’t watch television either

The man with the FCSB money, who is in terrible condition, said that even football no longer attracts him and does not make him more volatile.

Gigi Becali will never speak to you again. Sorry to end up talking on the phone. I do not want to offend anyone. I quit television, I have no idea what’s going on“said Gigi Becali.

Tags: Gigi Becali , gigi becali retire
