Which survivor’s daughter receives the daughter of the 48-year-old doctor from Feteşti, killed by COVID


The woman passed away on October 16, 2020, at just 48 years old. Mioara Neagu was the coordinating physician of the Emergency Department of Anghel Saligny municipal hospital in Feteşti. She died in a hospital bed after being infected with the new coronavirus in September, and although she fought for her life, her body did not cope.

The Feteşti doctor had been infected with the Sars CoV-2 virus in September and ended up in the hands of the Colentina doctors. Unfortunately, her colleagues could do nothing to save her.

His daughter, a student at the Faculty of Medicine and Pharmacy, has been fighting ever since to win a survivor’s pension. The Pension House established an income of 1,622 lei, considering that Mioara Neagu died of a common illness.

“As you well know, my mother died of an infection with the Sars Cov-2 virus.

After this tragic event, I must receive a survivor’s pension. What I cannot conceive is that in the sentence received today, the cause of death is “a common disease” in the opinion of those who issued it. It seems to me a humiliation and at the same time an insult to me and to those who loved her. My beloved mother fought the killer virus until the last moment. I refuse to accept such a mistake.

What I also want to emphasize is the fact that I should have benefited from a right, which for the moment I am not recognized. According to the Law no. 56 of May 15, 2020 for the recognition of merits of medical personnel participating in medical actions against COVID-19, Art. 2, paragraph (1), letter. d) and Art. 4, I must benefit from a COVID survival pension as a token of appreciation for the work done by my dear mother in the hospitals. Pension equal to 75% of your base salary, a pension I had to receive to finish my studies. I tried to discuss and make this possible, but the indifference in Romania is characteristic. I am not talking about the amount established by the Pension House considering the first survivor pension, the natural one, that I have to collect.

My mother was a doctor, she worked for years in hospitals and was completely dedicated to what she did. He healed and saved many lives. As a result of these events, I receive only 1622 lei (his only son).

I know that posting this message will not solve my problems and it will not answer the questions I ask myself on a daily basis, but I wanted to show you once again which country we live in. A country where the law is not respected! Money for private pensions has always existed, but for a student who is left without a mother, who wants to continue her studies, it seems not. How are the merits of my mother really recognized? Because I don’t see. Shame !! “is the girl’s message.

The 48-year-old doctor’s daughter killed by COVID-19, shocking message: “My mother is always smiling, please watch me!”

“My mother is always smiling, please take care of me in every moment of my life and take care of me from above, as you took care of me when you were near the mine. I promise that I will make you proud of me, you listen to all your advice and I will be so strong like you and I fought all the time for me to be happy!

I love you so much and you will miss me all my life! God forgive you, my beautiful mother! ”Andreea wrote, according to Dobrogea TV.

The doctor’s colleagues also sent messages of condolence:

“An angel has left us forever! He fought for patients as he knew best by saving many lives … God chooses his good and gentle people … Condolences to the grieving family!”

“Today we are not smiling! Nobody asks us to be on the front line, but rather to protect those on the front line. Today, our unconsciousness (from those who not only do not follow the rules, but even propagate the virus) has killed another man, a man who fights for us. I, YOU, HIM, SHE, WE KILLED HIM! Smooth road to the stars, MIRACLE OF MAN-MIOARA NEAGU! “

Complaint to the Minister of Health, the hospital and the doctors who treated her

A complaint will also be filed on behalf of the doctors who treated the doctor when she was infected with coronavirus.

The victim’s family affirms that an attempt was made to keep the case inside the hospital and that she spent nine days in that unit, until her condition worsened and they decided to transfer her to a COVID hospital, but it was too late. The woman died at the age of 48.

At the same time, the family of the deceased doctor also accuses negligence, and the fact that she fell ill at work, which would mean compensation.

Family members are also upset by the fact that obesity comorbidities became on the death certificate, which was not fully confirmed, the family claims.

Dr. Mioara Neagu, emergency physician and coordinator of the Emergency Reception at the Municipal Hospital “Anghel Saligny” in Feteşti, died of COVID at the Colentina Hospital in Bucharest.

In July, Dr. Mioara Neagu turned 48 years old.
