Which olives do you prefer? Black, brown or green? See …


All types of ready-to-eat olives are pickled, more accurately dipped in water, oil, or stored in brine. The best known are the kalamata olives, originating in Greece. They can be of various colors and are recognizable by their slightly wrinkled shell and almond shape.

Green olives

Green olives are picked from the tree when they are not yet ripe and have a slightly bitter taste. They are rich in vitamin E, iron, and fiber. They also contain polyphenols and flavonoids with anti-inflammatory properties. They are a good source of oleic acid, potassium, phosphorous, zinc and calcium, beta carotene, vitamins D and K. They are among the healthiest olives because they are not artificially colored and have a lower glycemic index. Due to the good fats in its composition, it protects the cardiovascular system. It helps the eye, strengthens the hair and maintains the elasticity of the skin. Due to its fiber content, they improve liver and intestinal function. In stores, you can find them as such or seedless, stuffed with cheese or tuna.

black olives

While some prefer the tart flavor of green olives, others are more attracted to the smooth texture and slightly sweet taste of black olives. They have a higher content of oils and natural sugars because they have been left to bake for a longer time. In the trade, you can find a variety of black olives, from varieties from Italy, Spain, Portugal to varieties preserved in oil or seasoned with aromatic herbs.

Brown olives

This type of olive is obtained from pickled green olives. They are rich in vitamins and minerals. They are good in diets and help digestion.

Good to Know!

The consumption of olives must be controlled, since they contain large amounts of sodium, which can cause high blood pressure. However, people suffering from constipation can consume them in large quantities, since they have a laxative effect.

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