What your nails say about your health. What …


health nails. This is what to look for and what each change means. Nail Color Decoding:

1. White nail syndrome

It is not uncommon for white spots to appear on the nails. It used to be said, more jokingly or more seriously, that every white spot is a lie that you once told.

Modern medicine regards such statements as folklore without any hint of truth in them. White spots on the nails are caused by a condition called leukemia. Although it has such an intimidating name, it is not as harsh as you might initially think.

White spots are not caused by calcium or zinc deficiency as you might think. They are usually the result of light trauma to the nail. In some rare cases, these white spots can develop due to infections or allergies.

Or it could be due to some side effects of some medications. However, if these spots are accompanied by pain, you should consult your family doctor.

Although in most cases, if they appear on all nails at the same time, they can be a sign of anemia, cirrhosis, kidney disease and diabetes. If you are at risk for any of these conditions, see your family doctor. In fact, you should speak to him / her whenever you are concerned about your health.

2. Terry’s nails

The nail is mostly dull with a dark fringe at the end due to the fact that the nails are not sufficiently irrigated with blood. These changes can be found in 80% of patients with cirrhosis or those with congenital heart problems, hyperthyroidism, malnutrition, diabetes, or HIV.

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