What will happen if Donald Trump becomes president of the United States? Candidate profile


Donald Trump won the 2016 US presidential election with a simple phrase: “Let’s make Great America again.”

In the context in which he wants to win a new term, Donald Trump faces a country devastated by Covid-19 and its economic effects, as well as an electorate that will carefully analyze the four years spent in the White House, according to the BBC.

To win the 2020 election, Donald Trump says he will revitalize America’s economy, create jobs, protect the country’s business interests and continue his strong stance on immigration.

This year, the fight for the White House will take place on November 3 and will be between the Republican candidate Donald Trump and the Democratic candidate Joe Biden, a former vice president under Barack Obama.

Employment and economy – Revitalizing the economy after Covid-19

In his four years in the White House, Trump has campaigned for such principles. “America first” and fought to bring jobs and production chains back to the United States.

During the first election campaign, Trump promised, among other things, major tax cuts for the working class and the transfer of manufacturing processes to the United States.

Some of these things he did. Since January 2017, the United States has created more than 480,000 jobs in production, although analysts believe that overall growth in this area has recently slowed.

Trump also predicted that the economy will recover immediately after the pandemic, although his critics have repeatedly said that the Presidential Administration’s response to Covid-19 sparked long-term economic damage.

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Commerce – Ending “dependency” on China and protecting American factories

Trump ran for the first term on the promise that the United States would focus on its own economic interests, but insisted that “America comes first” does not mean “America alone”.

In terms of trade, Donald Trump has taken a tough stance towards China and it has launched several policies to protect US producers from foreign competition, and these remain key aspects of its plan to commercialize the world’s largest economy.

In his first term, the president emphasized renegotiation trade agreements that you consider unfair with the United States, such as NAFTA (between the United States, Canada, and Mexico) or leaving (Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement).

In the 2016 campaign, Trump promised to fix the United States’ trade deficit (the gap between imports and exports), which, for the first time in six years, narrowed in 2019. However, not all economists agree that This suggests an improvement in the economy.

In August, Trump said he wanted to grant tax credits to force American companies to move their factories from China to the United States, so “End dependence on China”.

Trump also imposed taxes on various goods in the European Union, from steel to French wines, threatened taxes on steel and aluminum in Brazil and Argentina, and recently re-imposed taxes on Canadian aluminum products.

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Foreign policy – “America First” and the reaffirmation of American sovereignty

As in the case of trade, Donald Trump has promised to put the United States first in foreign policy as well.

In the official White House wording, this means “Reaffirming the sovereignty of the United States and the right of all nations to determine their own future,” with a focus on ensuring safety and prosperity.

In practice, these principles have led to the withdrawal of several international agreements, such as Paris Climate Agreement, or withdrawal of some international institutions, as well World Health Organization.

Trump has also come into conflict with various international alliances. Yes NATOTrump has asked his members to increase the budget for Defense.

Another promise made by Donald Trump during his first term was to reduce the number of American military stationed in other countries, especially Germany and Afghanistan. However, the number of troops is roughly the same level as when Trump took office.

Critics of the president have repeatedly said that Trump has created tensions with close allies of the United States and has tried to reach out to opponents such as North Korea and Russia.

Among the foreign policy “successes” of Donald Trump’s first term is the facilitation of the agreement between Israel and the United Arab Emirates for normalizing relationships as well as killing him Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi (leader of the Islamic State) and General Qasem Soleimani, Iranian military leader.


Immigration – Building the wall and reducing immigration

The promise to reduce immigration to the United States was one of the cornerstones of Trump’s 2016 election campaign, as well as his political career.

In the second campaign, Trump promised to continue building the wall of the United States border with Mexico. So far, the president has provided funding for the construction of 716 kilometers, just over half the length of the common border.

Also, Trump wants to eliminate visa lottery Y chain migration, which involves immigration to the United States based on kinship, and moving to a merit-based entry system.

Donald Trump’s immigration plans suffered defeat this summer when the Supreme Court ruled against the president’s desire to cancel the program. YES, which protects approximately 650,000 young people who entered the United States without documents as children.


Health – Lower drug prices and cancellation of Obamacare

Among the promises of Donald Trump’s 2016 election campaign is repeal of the Affordable Care Act, known as Obamacare and created by the former president of the United States, Barack Obama.

In his four years in the White House, Donald Trump has failed to eliminate Obamacare, which is generally considered good for Americans, but he has managed to make some changes.

The president also promised reduce drug prices in the U.S. In July, Trump took a series of measures that will allow for cuts and imports of cheaper drugs, although analysts in the field do not believe these measures will have a greater impact.

In health care, Trump said opioid crisis a national health emergency in 2017 and provided a $ 1.8 billion budget to states for prevention, treatment, and recovery. It has also taken steps to restrict opioid prescriptions.

Critics of the president believe that the decision to abolish Obamacare, which has helped millions of Americans obtain health insurance, cannot be “covered” by the fight against opioids.

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Climate changes – United States energy promotion

In the four years since he took office, Donald Trump has reversed many environmental initiatives, such as limiting carbon dioxide emissions, fulfilling a promise made in the 2016 campaign.

Triumph withdrew the United States from the Climate Agreement signed in Paris in 2015, arguing that it did not benefit the United States, but only the rest of the countries. The withdrawal will be formally completed after the November elections.

The Trump administration recently approved oil and gas extraction from the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge in Alaska, where such locations have not been deployed for decades.

Justice – Database to track disciplinary infractions by police officers

Donald Trump has praised several times First step act, a law implemented during his tenure as a key step for judicial reform.

The law passed in 2018 was significant, reforming laws at the federal level, giving judges more discretion regarding sentencing, and strengthening efforts to rehabilitate inmates.

Trump promised and Second step act, which would address the difficulties of hiring former prisoners, but no law has been proposed at this time.

During the 2016 campaign, Trump presented himself as a staunch supporter of the police and has been for the past four years, including recently, when the country was embroiled in protests against racial injustice by the police.

In June, Trump signed an executive order introducing several police reforms, providing grants to improve practices, as well as to create a database of abuses by officers.

The president argued that the controversial method of “Crunch” for the arrest of suspects should be prohibited “Generally speaking”, but so far it has not taken any action in this regard.

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Gun control – Defense of the Second Amendment

Following the two armed attacks that rocked the United States in 2019, in Texas and Ohio, Trump voiced support for a series of reforms, including investigating the past people who want to buy guns and laws that block access to guns fire for people considered a risk to society.

But after this moment of interest, Trump did not do more to implement these ideas, but he continued to defend the Second Amendment to the Constitution, which states that Americans have the right to own guns.
