What will happen if Bucharest reaches an incidence rate of 3 per thousand? Raed Arafat details the measures to be taken


As things are evolving now, the risk of reaching the third index for the Capital is very clear and very possible, Raed Arafat, head of the Emergency Situations Department, told Digi24 on Friday night, explaining what measures will take effect. in Bucharest when this threshold is reached.

The Strategic Communication Group published this Friday the list by region of the accumulated incidence of coronavirus cases in the last 14 days, per thousand inhabitants. Bucharest is the closest to the limit of 3 cases per thousand inhabitants in the last 14 days, with a rate of 2.81.

“When the rate reaches 3, the rules provided for this situation will be applied in the government’s decision: closed restaurants, there are no more activities in theaters, cinemas, the mask becomes mandatory in all public spaces, there is no differentiation between space full of people and space with few people, in all spaces the mask is mandatory. These are the basic rules in this situation, when we cross the threshold of 3 per thousand and that we hope that the population understands and respects “, said Raed Arafat, on Friday night, on Digi24.

Raed Arafat: It is not desirable for the Gendarmerie to hunt down the people of the staff!

“If people do not understand why the measures are being taken, it means that we have a big problem in their implementation. Nor is it desirable to wake up that the Gendarmerie is going after people with the baton and that is why it is trying to be a dialogue, because nobody it wants to reach other actions, another level of confrontation, as has happened in other countries ”, stressed the head of DSU.

Health systems have their limits. For some, the limit is reached faster, for others it is more difficult, but it is reached if measures are not taken to prevent and limit the spread of this virus, explained Raed Arafat the purpose of these measures. The rights are not limited in any way, only some measures are taken that are required by public health, added the head of DSU.

How will the San Dumitru pilgrimage take place?

Asked whether when index 3 will be reached in Bucharest, the religious procession of Saint Dumitru can still be carried out in sanitary conditions, Raed Arafat replied that it would be normal to be very careful with any kind of public ceremony. , because it means that it has reached an advanced stage of virus spread.

“It just came to our knowledge then. This difference of 0.8 percent today does not establish a clear boundary between an acceptable situation and an unacceptable situation,” Raed Arafat stressed. He explained that he prefers not to give sharp answers rather than consult with others. colleagues, because “people do not believe that someone who is not of the same faith can be even neutral and can propose solutions that are not directed in one direction or another.”

“My interest, the interest of my colleagues in the field of public health is purely medical, nothing more,” said Raed Arafat. And from a medical point of view, any situation that occurs with crowds, with the violation of the rules, is a significant risk, said the head of DSU.

Returning to the theme of the pilgrimage in Bucharest, scheduled for the end of next week, Raed Arafat said that he, as a doctor, would recommend limiting the party to “basic aspects, without the participation of a large number of public”. The public should be as small as possible. Religious action can be carried out, but with a significant limit to public participation, so that there are not thousands of people there, Raed Arafat insisted. “I know that there can be discussions, (…) but of course, as a doctor I tell them, we must reduce the number of people as much as possible, in the situation we are in now,” repeated the head of DSU.

What will the schools do?

After reaching the threshold of 3, will schools in Bucharest be closed? Raed Arafat was also asked.

“If I’m not mistaken, there are clear scenarios that are for schools, but it is possible that at 3 per thousand this is taken into account. I cannot give you a one hundred percent answer now as it will be, but it may be one of the scenarios to consider. This remains to be discussed with the Ministry of Health, with the Ministry of Education and taking measures in accordance with the protocols that were established, ”said Raed Arafat.

The next days are crucial

In any case, the next few days are crucial for the evolution of the epidemic. The effect of the measures taken should be seen in a week or two.

“If we keep seeing situations like the ones we saw in the Old Center and if the people are not willing to understand – the parties could move home, if they are 30-40 in an apartment and have a party, the authorities cannot have any. control – then there is unconsciousness and we will see that our measures will fail, ”said Raed Arafat.

“If most of them follow the rules, we may be able to control the situation on a plateau and start to see a downward curve in the next few weeks. Watch out, things don’t happen suddenly! It’s happening slowly,” he says Raed Arafat.

Growth can be fast, while decline is slow. Growth can also be slow if the rules are followed, but “here we get out of control in a few moments,” Raed Arafat said, pointing to the legislative vacuum a few months ago when the infected could walk freely on the street. .

“Now what we are trying to do is stop and start a downward curve, which without question will not be as fast as the growth we saw,” said the head of DSU.

Editor: Luana Pavaluca
