What will a day in the life of every Romanian look like from Monday, November 9, when Romania enters a partial quarantine? Raed Arafat answered this question on Digi24. The head of DSU explained how the statement should be under his own responsibility, which are the stores that close at 9:00 p.m. and what is the reason why it was decided to close the schools nationwide.
Raed Arafat’s statements took into account each measure imposed by the government’s decision, which takes effect on November 9 and will be valid for 30 days.
Why do the markets close and to what extent do the authorities expect the supermarket to be crowded?
Raed Arafat: The markets remain open. Some administrators moved positions indoors. We have been talking for 30 days in which we will apply these measures, then we will analyze the situation. It is possible to appear in certain congestion areas at the supermarket. But there the temperature is measured, the mask is worn, payment is made in cash. The measures taken reduce the contact without causing a major impact. Most of the markets are in open spaces and the closed ones will find variants of operation. There may be some increased flow for those who go to stores and supermarkets, but there are better controlled aspects related to safety.
What stores close at 9:00 p.m. and what remains open?
Raed Arafat: All stores, except gas stations, pharmacies, in addition to those with home delivery, restaurants, transport companies that collect food, will close at 9 pm. Up to 23 people can get home, when the traffic restriction takes effect, valid between 11pm and 5am.
What is the reason for the traffic restrictions imposed between 11.00 pm and 5.00 am?
Raed Arafat: During this interval, the young people move a lot, visit each other, there are meetings in the apartments, especially at the weekend. The reason between 23 and 5 years is that young people no longer go to the apartments for the holidays. In Spain it was one of the ways in which the virus spread, the analysis was carried out. The young people bought products and went to the apartments. The biggest impact will be during the weekend.
What should the declaration look like on your own responsibility and what should it contain?
Raed Arafat: A handwritten and written statement is needed, specifying the purpose of the outing. There will also be a model, but it is important to have personal data, the reason for leaving and the signature. The reasons are clear: professional activity, medical care that does not allow procrastination, purchase of drugs. Otherwise, an employer certificate or card is required for those coming home late. It is the same model of certificate as in the state of emergency: the issue, the date, the address, the reason for leaving and the signature, which will be presented to the agent.
The school takes place physically in other states. Why have schools closed in Romania?
Raed Arafat: Some studies say that school is not a place for children to transmit the virus. Others say that the school plays a role in this. We have a contact limitation. We already have the scenarios, some counties are red and have online education, so action has been taken to limit contact nationwide. Also, some parents want this and some teachers agree with online education. In our analysis, it was taken into account that until now there were schools in the country that operated online. This decision can also be considered epidemiological. There are countries that have taken measures by region, but that does not mean that it is wrong that we have made this decision. There are other measures we have taken and others not the other way around. In conclusion, the reason the online school was changed is to reduce mobility and contact and to reduce the spread from child to family.
Editing: Alexandra Andronie