What the new ministers of the Government of Cîțu propose. Voiculescu wants a new type of complementary private insurance


Kindergartens and primary schools could be the first schools to open. This is the announcement made by the Minister of Education, Sorin Cîmpeanu, on the first day of his mandate.

When the epidemiological situation allows it, preschool and primary school children will be called to school. Minister Sorin Cîmpeanu also plans a differentiated baccalaureate exam for students who want to enter technical universities.

The Minister of Education, Sorin Câmpeanu, announced when he took office that opening schools is one of his priorities. However, you cannot advance a deadline.

Sorin Cîmpeanu, Minister of Education: “First of all, early childhood and primary education, then higher education, then secondary education and university education with all three, bachelor’s, master’s and doctorate.”

Also in the field of education, other changes could come. The idea of ​​a differentiated high school appears in the government program. The new minister wants to implement this special exam that will allow students to access only technical universities.

Sorin Cîmpeanu, Minister of Education: “The baccalaureate that will be differentiated according to the particularities of each candidate, depending on their desires for professional and personal development, will be in the professional training that will allow them to access a technical university, not another university”.

Lucian Bode, the new Minister of the Interior

At the Ministry of the Interior, Marcel Vela left the place of Lucian Bode, whom the Honorary Guard of the Gendarmerie awaited.

Lucian Bode, Minister of the Interior: “In the first place, I thanked Mr. Marcel Vela for his activity, he led a difficult ministry in a complicated period, I know situations that he went through.”

Vlad Voiculescu also proposes a new type of private supplementary insurance

The takeover of the Ministry of Health was not so quick. On the contrary. Nelu Tătaru was not there to personally hand over Vlad Voiculescu’s duties.

Vlad Voiculescu, Minister of Health: “I just got up and there is a large file that I have to read and sign. Mr. Tataru had to leave the town, but yesterday we talked for a while.”

In addition to the management of the pandemic, the construction of hospitals and the depoliticization of the health system, Vlad Voiculescu also proposes a new type of complementary private insurance, in addition to the state one.

Vlad Voiculescu, Minister of Health: “Supplementary health insurance means that more money enters the system and a certain category can buy this additional insurance. This in no way means that Romanians no longer have free access to health services.”

Eduard Novak, new Minister of Sports: “I like to work under pressure”

Eduard Novak, Paralympic champion and president of the Romanian Cycling Federation, has settled in the Ministry of Youth and Sports.

Eduard Novak, Minister of Youth and Sports: “I like to work under pressure. I know there will be mistakes, accusations, everything. But above all, I want to leave something behind, in 20 years to say that Novak left something behind.”

One of Eduard Novak’s objectives is to develop the program of national and thematic camps.
