What Tataee from BUG Mafia looked like. Fans immediately compared him to Nicolae Guță


Everyone remembers “Tataee” by BUG Mafia, one of the most popular and beloved local rap bands. It was a fairly long period in which the member of the band BUG Mafia disappeared from the Romanian musical landscape. Many people wondered what had happened to him.

How BUG Mafia’s Tataee looked

In 2018, it was rumored in the Romanian press about Vlad Irimia, now 43, known as Tataee, who, along with his wife Mona and their three children, would have moved to Spain, more precisely to Barcelona. One of the founders of the band B.U.G. The mob, Tataee later stated on Facebook that: “It still seems unreal to me that my wife, I and our army of three children move to Barcelona. A journey that has just disappeared! Dreams come true. Work like a superstar in your home country, live like a private man in a warmer country. “

Fans immediately compared him to Nicolae Guță

But, on April 25, fans were in for a big surprise when, invited on Selly’s vlogg, Vlad Irimia looked completely different from how fans remembered him. Some of the visitors to the Selub-owned youtub channel derided the former BUG Mafia member a bit, resembling him with manela player Nicolae Guță. This was due to the new haircut and the fact that he lost a lot of weight.

What Tataee from BUG Mafia looked like. Fans immediately compared him to Nicolae Guță
What Tataee from BUG Mafia looked like. Fans immediately compared him to Nicolae Guță

“Selly, bring Tataee from BUG Mafia. The interview with Nicolae Guță was very nice!” Wrote one of the internet users.

Selly had invited Tataee on April 25, during his YouTube vlog, where they discussed rap music, about musical realities in Romania and the United States, but also about how Vlad, with his family, about the pandemic of coronavirus, there in Spain.

“I act like I’m going to work, and that works,” says Tataee. “If I stayed in my clothes all the time, I would take care of other things. But I prefer to dress well. The children play a lot, they started school online, we have to see how it will work, it is a little different. They are fine, they are happy, They have a place to go out on the patio. They can play, it’s more like a vacation. But I told them that there was a virus that everyone was fighting against. But at 6, 9 is more complicated. (…) Yes I was sitting on the block, I don’t know what I was doing. I don’t rule out one of the children making music, but it’s too early anyway. They practice, they show me what they do, we are very satisfied with them, “he said, among others , Tataee.
