What secrets do your eyes hide! The answers will put you …


The eyes are not only the windows of the soul, but also the windows of the body. Its color can dictate your predisposition to certain diseases or even predict how your body is affected by external factors.

People with black eyes are prone to cataracts.

A small mist that appears in the pupil of the eye is a sign of cataracts, a clouding of vision common among the elderly. People with black eyes have a higher risk of developing this disease. Protecting the eyes from ultraviolet rays is one of the crucial steps to prevent cataracts, but researchers recommend that people with black eyes take special precautions, such as wearing large-brimmed sunglasses and protective glasses.

Vitiligo is less common among people with green eyes.

According to a study published in the journal Nature in 2012, vitiligo, an autoimmune disease that causes loss of skin color in certain parts, is less common in people with green or blue eyes.

Melanoma, more common in people with blue eyes

From a genetic point of view, which creates a barrier against vitiligo, makes people more prone to melanoma. Therefore, people with blue or green eyes are more prone to melanoma. The exact relationship is not known.

People with brown eyes may be more sensitive to alcohol.

People with black or brown eyes can drink less than their green or blue-eyed friends, according to a 2001 study. The researchers found a greater predisposition to alcohol abuse among people with dark eyes. . They hypothesized that people with black eyes are more sensitive to drinking and other addictions in general, he writes. click.

Bright-eyed women can better withstand pain

Findings from a study presented in 2014 suggest that women with light eyes may have greater tolerance to pain and discomfort. In the study of women in labor, dark-eyed pregnant women were more exposed to anxiety and sleep disorders in response to labor pains.
Changing eye color may indicate a problem

If you notice redness in the whites of your eyes, you may have undiagnosed allergies. If the white turns yellow, you may have liver problems. If only one eye changes color, it could be a sign of inherited diseases, such as neurofibromatosis, which causes tumors in the nervous tissue.

If your eyes have always had different colors, you probably don’t have to worry.
