What says Ioana Stăncel, the guest “invaded by cockroaches in Digi 24”. The first statements after the incident


I spoke with public health expert Ioana Stăncel about what happened on the Digi24 plateau, when it was invaded by beetles. The incident draws attention to one of the biggest problems facing the capital, but not much talked about.

The other day, some pictures with public health expert Ioana Stăncel, “invaded by cockroaches at Digi 24”, were taken by all the publications.

Ioana Stăncel told, for DC News, what happened beyond those images that we all know.

“I asked that beetle where it came from and it didn’t want to talk!”

“At Digi it was one of the morning shows, I felt the visitor on the edge of the jacket. I wanted to interrupt, I looked at the people in the studio, I saw them continue, I thought not to ruin the show and it was not vital. Don’t let the visitor kill me. And we continue to discuss the issue that was very important and essential for continuity.

It certainly wasn’t from his study, because it had just arrived. He was not coming home. That morning I started the program where I work very early. I had left with a jacket that was dressed in the color of a political party, but I do not do politics and, in order not to give the opportunity for interpretations, I quickly took another jacket that I had on the edge of the chair when I went out to receive them.. ”Stated Ioana Stăncel.

The beetle was neither from the studio nor from the home, since, says Ioana Stăncel, he resorted to disinsection until he became allergic to the substance.

All of Bucharest is infested with insects and rodents!“Underlined public health expert Ioana Stăncel.

Ioana Stăncel mentioned that the Digi24 people narrowed the frame, trying to salvage the situation, but the image was already taken.

“Not annoying! It was by no means the Digi24 beetle and there is no need to be criticized. The fact that it appeared … that’s it! We move on! It’s important to get over the moment and do something to stop the plague” , Ioana Stăncel also told us, who drew attention to the professionalism with which television has always treated her.

The capital, full of insects and rodents

Next, Ioana Stăncel told us that “we must know that Bucharest is infested and has buildings that no longer provide security from this point of view. They are old buildings, which have old facilities, which allow leaks and humidity. These insects and rodents like humidity, dark and warm places and grow favorably. They like the fact that we are now in a rainy period. “

The public health expert also stated that “in Bucharest we also have water intakes and cassettes in Dâmbovița, on the Colentina River, which allow the accumulation of waste and an environment in which to feed these insects and rodents.”

Last but not least, Ioana Stăncel drew attention to the fact that in Bucharest, buildings are not necessarily made with systems to prevent infestation, recalling “the garbage dumps where people dump food waste, which they just attract insects and survive there. “

Ioana Stăncel believes that this issue should become a public health priority for the municipal and sectoral public administration. At the same time, the public health expert believes that preventive measures are needed at the level of new buildings.

Very serious and lethal diseases, among the risks

“Rodents transmit diseases such as hemorrhagic fevers, which through bites or feces, are dangerous for humans. They are transmitted directly or indirectly: they are hosts of other diseases. Likewise, insects, by their saliva, by excrements … The fact that they circulate through the food, through the house, through the places we have in our hands, we use food, they transmit diseases that have a plateau of different symptoms ”Added Ioana Stăncel. , mentioning “cold, hemorrhagic fever, indigestion or very serious and lethal illnesses”.

Because of uncoordinated or non-periodic disinsectations, insects reappear in one of three developmental stages: eggs, larvae, or insects, and become resistant to insecticides.“, Concluded, in an informative note, Ioana Stăncel.
