What Nicușor Dan says about the scenario of the entrance of the capital in quarantine


The elected mayor of Bucharest, Nicușor Dan, declared on Friday night that he excludes the hypothesis of quarantining the Capital now, but that he will analyze with the help of a computer system the incidence of new cases of COVID-19 if necessary isolate certain areas.

Asked in Realitatea Plus, what measures will he take if the incidence of COVID-19 cases is 3 or more when he assumes the mayor’s office, he replied: “There are some mandatory measures that this government decision a few days ago by which the state of emergency forces us to take them in. In the situation of 3 per thousand, the use of a mask in open spaces is mandatory. (…) We will see, now it is working in the Ministry of Health and we will probably have a computer system in a few days to see if these 3 per thousand are distributed somewhat evenly within Bucharest or there are certain areas that have a higher incidence, which could eventually be quarantined, excluded at this time “, transmits Agerpres.

He said that he was willing to work with the Ministry of Health and the Directorate of Public Health, because there were means that, if they came together, could prevent the spread of COVID-19.

“Unfortunately, so far there has not been very good collaboration between the Capital City Council, the Ministry of Health, the Directorate of Public Health. (…) I am a man of dialogue (…); I have been these days, I have I had visits to understand the phenomena, I went to the Public Health Directorate, I went to the Ministry of Health, I went to DSU, in addition to other visits I made to other institutions in other fields and I am ready when I assume the mandate to collaborate with the ministry and with the Public Health Directorate, because there are some ways that, if we can work together, we can stop this disease, ”said Nicuşor Dan.

In his opinion, DSP support is needed in terms of the call center, so that the contact list of people detected with COVID-19 is known very quickly, so that they can be tested as soon as possible. He said there is a need for collaboration in testing and greater vigilance of what is happening in public space where health protection rules do not apply.

The mayor-elect of the Capital highlighted the importance of collaborating with DSP, establishing the contact list of people who have already been infected and expanding the tests to the following categories: personnel of hospitals and social assistance centers, officials who are in contact Direct with citizens, drivers and tram drivers.

“All these categories of people must be evaluated periodically and the City Council of the capital has this capacity,” said Dan.

He mentioned that in a week he will probably be inaugurated as mayor.

Editing: Alexandru Costea
