What Ionut Stroe said when delivering the mandate. Excellent words to his successor, Eduard Novak


  • European football, Thursday, 17:30, Digi Sport 1

  • Digi Sport League, Thursday, 15:15, Digi Sport 1

Message from Ionuţ Stroe to Eduard Novak

“Today I finish a term, a difficult period, an intense period, unusual for me. It was a privilege to be the Minister of Youth and Sports, I hope the results say everything about what I tried to do here. I am glad that my successor is a man With whom I have collaborated very, very well, I am sure that this very good relationship that we have had will be the guarantee of continuity and future results.

In addition to the success that is sure to come, I wish you what you may not have had as a minister. I would like to be the minister who ends this pandemic, which has affected the world of sport so much, I want him to be the minister who reopens the stadium bleachers for spectator access, I want him to be the minister who successfully organizes EURO 2021 in Bucharest, let it be the minister who will bring honor, image, performance at the Tokyo Olympics, having political support in Parliament, which unfortunately I did not have.

I am sure that all these things will be backed by a man who has proven it, an ambitious, tenacious, determined man, who at the level of the Romanian Cycling Federation has fundamentally restored everything that cycling means in Romania, a man whose sports performance recommends and I am sure that there will be only additional arguments to achieve very important things for Romanian sport “said the former minister, at the MTS headquarters.

Ionut Stroe, on a new sports law

He said that during his tenure he received no parliamentary support to reform the Sports Law, which he said was outdated and dusty.“We are part of a solid government coalition and you will have our full support to carry out what you are proposing. We need continuity, I hope to stay here for four years, for the duration of a term. If you want to reform, it cannot be done in Little time.

To promote such important laws for Romanian sport, Parliament is necessarily needed. There is the realm of decision-making, the realm of great debates. As long as you don’t have support in Parliament to promote a new sports law, because the current one is outdated, it’s dusty … I couldn’t do that. “Ionut Stroe said.

Eduard Novak, the new Minister of Youth and Sports

The members of the Government chaired by Florin Cîţu took, on Wednesday afternoon, at the Cotroceni Palace, the investiture oath, which is also published in the Official Gazette and the decree appointing the new Executive.

Eduard Novak, 44, has been appointed Minister of Youth and Sports and has served as President of the Romanian Cycling Federation.

Tags: eduard novak , mts , ionut stroe
