What happens to people who have low levels of vitamin D in their bodies. How the new virus attacks them


According to a report published by experts, people with low levels of vitamin D may be more likely to become infected with coronavirus and die from COVID-19 infection.

What happens to people who have low levels of vitamin D in their bodies?

The study compared average vitamin D levels in a country with coronavirus mortality and found that low vitamin D levels are associated with a higher death rate. The researchers “believe they can advise the population on vitamin D supplementation” to protect themselves against the coronavirus. A preliminary study found evidence suggesting that low levels of vitamin D can cause a person to die after contracting coronavirus.

The research compared average vitamin D levels in 20 European countries with a COVID-19 infection rate and high mortality. It revealed a compelling correlation in which countries with low vitamin D levels were also the countries with the highest rates of mortality and COVID-19 infection. The study has not yet been reviewed and reviewed by other scientists and cannot prove that vitamin D is the reason for this link.

How the new virus attacks them

However, scientists at the Queen Elizabeth Hospital Trust and the University of East Anglia write in their study: “We believe we can recommend vitamin D supplements to protect against SARS-CoV2 infection.“This finding supports a separate study that also found that vitamin D may improve a person’s chances of recovery after contracting coronavirus. A ten-week trial is currently underway at the University of Granada, after a Recent study by Trinity College Dublin found that adults who took vitamin D supplements had a 50% decrease in chest infections.

The most recent study used pre-existing data on vitamin D levels, including a comprehensive 2019 study led by Paul Lips, professor emeritus of internal medicine at Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. This previous study collected data on vitamin D levels from populations in Europe and the Middle East.

The study consisted of taking vitamin D measurements from thousands of people. The latest study of vitamin efficacy against COVID-19 reduced these data to 20 countries to rule out any factors that could interfere, such as one country’s latitude. The average amount of vitamin D in serum samples was (56 nmol / l), with just under 30 nmol / l considered “seriously deficient”.

The most recent study took the existing database of vitamin D levels and found worryingly low levels of vitamin D in the elderly, a higher percentage of the population at risk of dying after contracting coronavirus.

What happens to people who have low levels of vitamin D in their bodies. How the new virus attacks them
What happens to people who have low levels of vitamin D in their bodies. How the new virus attacks them

“The study shows vitamin D levels of 26 nmol / L in Spain, 28 nmol / L in Italy and 45 nmol / L in the Nordic countries, in the elderly. In Switzerland, the average levels of vitamin D are 23 (nmol / L) in nursing homes, and in Italy, 76% of women older than 70 years were found to have circulating levels below 30nmol / L. countries with a high number of cases of COVID – 19, and the elderly are the group with the highest risk of SARS-Cov2 morbidity and mortality. The most vulnerable population group for COVID-19 is also the one with the highest vitamin D deficiency, ”the researchers write.

Vitamin D can reach the human body through certain foods, such as fish and mushrooms, or it can be produced by skin cells when exposed to sunlight. A simple statistical analysis, called the t-test, was then performed on the two data sets to determine any relationship that found a correlation between deaths and vitamin D levels.
