What happens if you eat too many Easter eggs?


Excessive consumption of eggs can be harmful, experts warn us. More than the egg itself, the way to prepare the egg is the one that is harmful. Boiled egg is still the best way to prepare it, both to take all the vitamins it contains and to avoid problems such as high cholesterol.

Easter eggs: they contain too much saturated fat and are the main cause of high cholesterol

Fats contain many vitamins, but also minerals that help a lot to maintain health. Among other things, eggs also contain fat, 11% of the content of an egg is fat.

The greatest amount of fat is found in the yolk, the egg white contains only 0.05% fat. 7% of egg fats are polyunsaturated, 44% are monounsaturated and only 32% are saturated fats.

Also read EASTER FOOD: the advice of Dr. Mencinicopschi

The latter are considered the main cause of high blood cholesterol, and with their increase the risk of coronary heart disease increases.

Therefore, people who know they have high cholesterol should be careful not to overeat eggs during the Easter holidays.

Easter eggs: dangerous for people with diabetes

People with diabetes should eat fewer eggs during this period, especially if they have fasted. There is a risk of developing cardiovascular disease. So far there are no studies to prove this, but doctors do not recommend excess eggs in people with diabetes.

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