What happens if Trump’s health deteriorates due to COVID-19? That assumes its functions


The President of the United States, Donald Trump, and his wife, Melania Trump, are infected with coronavirus. The two are isolated and their health is “good,” said the president’s personal physician, without detailing whether they have symptoms of the new coronavirus. However, given that the US president is in the risk group of patients infected with Sars-Cov-2, the question arises “What if Trump can no longer serve?”

The president’s doctor said he was “fine” but did not say whether he had specific symptoms of the virus. Sean P. Conley added that Donald Trump will remain isolated in the White House and will serve “without interruption.”

However, Trump is in the risk group, and experts claim, according to studies published so far, that Trump’s risk of being hospitalized for Covid-19 and even developing severe pneumonia is high. Doctors caution that mild symptoms at first are not an indicator that someone could avoid a more serious illness.

Who takes over the presidency, if Trump’s health deteriorates

If Donlad Trump becomes seriously ill, he can temporarily transfer the vice president’s power under the 25th Amendment to the United States Constitution and can claim authority when deemed fit to perform his duties.

If both Trump and Mike Pence are disabled, House Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi would be next in line.

Donald Trump recently met with Mike Pence, but so far, the vice president of the United States has not made any announcements about his health.

The president is regularly tested for the virus, as are those who work in the White House and those who meet with him, including members of the White House press.

UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson, also infected with coronavirus, has developed a more serious form of COVID-19. Johnson was admitted to Intensive Care in April, 10 days after testing positive for COVID-19. The 55-year-old British prime minister was hospitalized with a fever and persistent cough, received oxygen, but was not hooked up to a ventilation device.

Publisher: RK
