What happened to a Jordanian journalist after publishing information about the COVID-19 vaccine


A Jordanian journalist has been arrested for posting information on his website that the coronavirus vaccine has already arrived in the kingdom and that some officials have already been vaccinated, AFP reported this Saturday, citing a judicial source.

“The State Security Court prosecutor on Thursday ordered the arrest of journalist Jamal Haddad, editor of the AlWakaai news site (Arabic, facts), for writing that government officials were vaccinated against COVID-19.” this source told AFP, subject to anonymity.

The journalist is accused of “endangering the security of the country, causing riots and disturbances of public order. The Prosecutor’s Office decided to detain him for 15 days, awaiting trial,” according to the same source.

On Tuesday, the AlWakaai news site published an article titled “What about the people?”, Asking whether the Pfizer vaccine arrived in secret, in the context in which senior Jordanian government officials were vaccinated, according to the journalist. .

Jordan has more than 285,000 cases of coronavirus infection and 3,711 deaths.

In mid-December, the kingdom approved the vaccine produced by Pfizer / BioNTech, but Jordan’s Secretary-General for Epidemiological Affairs at the Jordanian Ministry of Health, Wael Al Hayajneh, said on Wednesday that he expects the vaccine to arrive in the Kingdom by the end of January – early February “.


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