What happened on Wednesday with the first period of Caracal’s trial and how he reacted wryly in the courtroom | News, News Romania | Freedom


The court ruled that today’s court hearing would be closed, even before the trial began. The coronavirus pandemic and the “need to prioritize the health of people who participate in judicial processes” were invoked.

But the courtroom of the Olt Court was quite large and, in addition to the parts of the case, there were also 4-5 representatives of the press, in compliance with the physical distance measures, said one of those who participated. at trial today.

Dincă’s mask looked like a “bag”

Precisely because of the COVID pandemic, everyone expected that Gheorghe Dincă and Ştefan Risipiţeanu, accused of rape in the same case, would be heard today from the penitentiary, by videoconference. But, to everyone’s surprise, they were taken to the courtroom and placed in the detainees’ box.

They both wore protective masks made of cloth. “The one on Dinca’s face was brown with stripes, as if he had a bag in his mouth,” one of the lawyers told us. When they arrived in the courtroom, the two defendants were also given goggles to fully protect their faces.

Dincă tried several times to remove the mask from his nose to breathe freely, until the judge noticed and caught his attention.

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In the box of the detainees, “he looked neat, with a good tone. It seems he lost weight too, ”says the lawyer who learned that Caracal’s man receives daily counseling from a psychologist at Craiova Penitentiary.

Only two lawyers requested a public trial

Today’s court hearing lasted a total of about an hour and a half. First, Dincă requested a postponement, to prepare his defense, because he had a public defender who had not been able to study the case. And everyone in the room agreed that their right to defense should be respected.

Then, the DIICOT prosecutor requested the declaration of the private hearing of the entire process, invoking morality, the protection of the victim’s private life and the interests of minors and recalling that Dincă is being tried for human trafficking, trafficking of minors and rape.

The only ones who opposed this request were Gheorghe Dincă’s lawyer and Carmen Obârşanu, the lawyer for the Melencu family. But the court approved DIICOT’s application and the entire Dincă trial was declared behind closed doors.

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Luiza Melencu’s family requested the relocation of the process

In addition, the court questioned the establishment of civil parties, and the relatives of the two girls whom Dincă is accused of killing indicated, through lawyers, what type of damages they are requesting and the amount.

Unlike in other times, Dincă did not dare to look at the victims’ families today. They were about five feet apart. “But he was naughty,” says Luiza Melencu’s mother.

While listening to what sums of money he should pay, if convicted, Dincă answered ironically, through gestures. If, for example, he learned that 100,000 euros were required in damages, he would hold up two fingers, showing that he was willing to give not one, but two hundred.

Lawyer Aurel Moldovan filed a request with the court to separate the case of Alexandra Măceşanu from that of Luiza Melencu, where there is no death certificate, but the court rejected the request.

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On the other hand, the lawyer for the Melencu family, Carmen Obârşanu, requested today that the case be transferred to another court, stating that the case cannot be tried by the Olt Court while “the evidence of the police officers who were in the IPJ disappears Olt “. The request for relocation will be resolved by the Craiova Court of Appeal.

Considering that Dincă requested a postponement, in order to prepare his defense, the court set a new term for the trial, for November 18, 2020.

The case remained in the preliminary courtroom for 9 months.

On January 15 of this year, DIICOT sent Gheorge Dincă to trial for human trafficking, trafficking in minors, rape, aggravated murder and desecration of bodies or graves. In the same case, Ştefan Risipiţeanu is accused of rape.

Until September 30, the case remained in the preliminary room, where it was verified whether the evidence was legally administered by the prosecutors, and the trial can begin.

The families of the victims had requested the return of the case to the Public Prosecutor’s Office, for the reopening of the criminal investigation, but the Craiova Court of Appeal definitively rejected their requests and decided that Dincă could be tried based on the evidence gathered by DIICOT.

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