What does the international press write about the resignation of Ludovic Orban as prime minister?


“After a mediocre result in the legislative elections, the Romanian prime minister resigns”, headlines The world. “After the legislative elections in which his political party registered disappointing results and after a meeting with the head of state, Klaus Iohannis, Romanian Prime Minister Ludovic Orban announced his resignation on television,” the French publication also wrote.

“Romania’s centrist prime minister, Ludovic Orban, resigned on Monday, indicating that he abandoned the idea of ​​becoming the next prime minister, after Sunday’s elections,” he writes. Reuters, who also made a mistake. The article was illustrated with a photo showing Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban.

“Romania: Prime Minister Announces Resignation After Electoral Failure”, headlines France-Presse Agency.

“The current Romanian Prime Minister, Ludovic Orban, announced his resignation today, following the failure of the Liberal Party (PNL) in yesterday’s legislative elections,” writes the Italian agency ANSA. The NLP obtained 25% of the votes, compared to 29% obtained by the Social Democratic Party. However, the center-right has the best chance of forming a government, writes the news agency.

“The head of the Romanian Government announced his resignation”, write the German journalists from ZDF, who recall that the NLP ranked second in the parliamentary elections, after the PSD.
