What does the CTP think of the ministers who circulate in the new government? That he has nothing to look for at the Victoria Palace, according to the journalist


Among the advantages of the list of future ministers, CTP identified the name of Vlad Voiculescu.

“It’s a good move, in my opinion, a good appointment of Vlad Voiculescu in the Ministry of Health. He was also Minister of Health in the government of Cioloş, and he tried to change some things there, and it is very difficult, very difficult to move. . to unravel the thick fabric of interests, relationships and clientelism in the health field. Mr. Voiculescu has this experience and I think he also has good intentions in this ministry. So a quote that would be fine, if confirmed, “he said. Cristian Tudor Popescu at Digi24.

At the same time, the journalist welcomes the transfer of the Ministry of Justice to USR-PLUS, which will remove from the beginning the name of the current liberal minister Cătălin Predoiu.

“Also, something good is, I understand, the fact that Mr. Predoiu will no longer be in the Justice, because the Justice goes to USR-PLUS. (…) It is good that Mr. Predoiu is gone. of course, considering the performance of this man for a year, “said CTP.

However, he does not have the same perspective on Education, a portfolio that stays with NLP.

“What is not good is that Education stays with the liberals and there I think Mrs. Anisie will continue in office. Because, if Mr. Orban has held it for so long, despite the fact that he is probably the most hated minister in the old Orban government, he will probably continue to do so. If Mr. Orban could lose votes, he certainly lost the NLP because of Ms. Anisie, then he will do so now, when there are no more elections, ”says the journalist.

In his opinion, Monica Anisie has nothing to look for at the Ministry of Education. “Of course it would be nice, as I said a few weeks ago, for Ms. Anisie to disappear from education,” according to CTP.

Regarding the “useful life” of the future government, CTP could not fail, but pointed out that there will be competition between PNL and USR-PLUS within the Executive, and this will affect the governing act.

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