What does Pope Francis think of those who refuse to wear a mask?


Pope Francis has criticized opponents of the masks and those who oppose restrictions imposed to limit the spread of the new coronavirus pandemic, Agerpres reports.

“Some groups have protested, refusing to keep their distance, protesting against travel restrictions, as if the measures that governments must impose for the good of the people were a kind of attack by politicians against their individual freedom,” accused the Pope in the book. Interviews “Un temps pour changer”, to be published in French on 2 December in Flammarion.

The sovereign pontiff especially criticized those who oppose the idea of ​​”being forced to wear a mask”, an obligation described as “an abuse of power by the State”, without worrying about those who lost their jobs. work and not have social security benefits.

“You will never see these people protest against the death of George Floyd … they are incapable of leaving their little world of interests,” the Pope added.

The brutal death of George Floyd, an African-American suffocated below the knee of a white policeman in late May, sparked a wave of protests in the United States and around the world. The sovereign pontiff, who was very committed to the defense of minorities, said at the time that any form of racism was “intolerable.”

Those who oppose the use of masks will not rebel “against the suburbs where children lack water and education” or for “the enormous sums invested in the arms trade to feed the entire human race and educate all children.” he also loved Pope Francis.

The 83-year-old Pope, in his book, also criticizes, without naming them, “governments that have ignored the painful evidence of an increase in deaths with inevitable and serious consequences” in favor of the economy. However, he acknowledged that most governments have acted responsibly, imposing strict measures to limit the spread of the epidemic.

Publisher: ML
