What does Orban know about Covid-19? The Prime Minister has escaped the dove! It is a lot of information


The Prime Minister of Romania, Ludovic Orban, participated this Thursday in the National Conference of the Hotel Industry, an opportunity he took to convey to those present that he did not invent Covid-19.

Right at the beginning of his speech, the leader of the Romanian Government conveyed that the terrible infectious disease that hit the planet “was born in other countries.”

Otherwise, the Prime Minister of Romania tried to encourage those who have business in the HoReCa field, telling them that they are trying to find solutions.

Thus, Orban’s main message was that the government is still looking for solutions to support the hotel industry, among the most affected by the pandemic.

List of measures taken by the rulers

“I see not very loving looks from you, but I know that I did not invent Covid-19 …

It was born in other countries and the effects, unfortunately, were extremely negative in the hotel industry.

We try to think of certain forms of support, cancellation of the specific tax, technical strike, 41.5% bonus to resume activity …

As of September 1, the flexible work program, kurzarbeit, which is applied for the first time in Romania, came into operation, obviously we have to follow the way it works.

We have adopted normative acts that would allow local authorities to reduce the construction tax, up to 50%, and even cancel the construction tax or the public domain occupancy tax ”, said Ludovic Orban.

People are afraid to go to the restaurant.

This was followed by assurances that the government is in dialogue with industry representatives to find the best solutions.

However, as the Prime Minister pointed out, the HoReCa sector still faces significant losses.

The main explanation is related to the detention of the population, who less and less prefer to go to the restaurant due to fears of the new coronavirus.

“There is a reluctance on the part of people to go to a restaurant or travel for tourism.

There are some effects that we cannot control in any way, as such a reduction in income is evident.

We continue in dialogue, we continue to seek solutions to maintain this important field of activity, which has a potential for development in Romania.

We are thinking about the subsidy program for sectors affected by COVID, we are trying to find support solutions, a voucher system for the tourist area. These are things that we have thought about and we continue to maintain dialogue with their representatives, ”Orban added.

Activity resumed on September 1

As of September 1, restaurants, cafes, cinemas and institutions that organize shows reopened taking into account the special sanitary conditions.

On the other hand, it has been decided to keep bars, clubs and discos closed.

Health rules established by authorities and intended to prevent the spread of SARS-CoV-2 between employees and customers include the following:

– mask and gloves for employees

– devices with disinfectant at the entrance, on tables and in bathrooms

– Meals occupied by reservation or by registration in the register at the entrance of the restaurant

– observational triage at entry; people with signs of respiratory disease will be rejected

– minimum distance of two meters between tables

– one table occupied, one free

– maximum 6 people at the table

– unique color for customer traffic

– disposable menus

– Menus, olives and salt shakers are disinfected after each customer.

– no longer eat or drink in the bar or standing

– dancing is strictly prohibited

– customers must wear a mask when leaving the table

– payment is made at the cash register, which must have protective plexiglass panels

More frequent room ventilation is recommended most of the time.

Here you can follow all the statements of Ludovic Orban
