What could the government of Cîțu be like? The PNL, USR PLUS and UDMR minister variants


Negotiations for the formation of the parliamentary majority and for the future government officially begin on Saturday. The leaders of PNL, USR PLUS and UDMR spoke on Thursday morning with President Klaus Iohannis, with whom they agreed to make the future government more flexible. However, there are discussions within each party about the ministries that everyone would like and who the future ministers might be.

According to public statements and information transmitted from sources within the parties, it is announced that the negotiations will be tough, because the NLP does not want to give up control over the government and especially the key ministries, but also because USR PLUS poses high demands to have the power. decision-making and being able to block liberals.

For example, USRPLUS wants at least one of the Government’s advisory ministries: Justice or Finance. There are two positions that control the Government because any normative act adopted by the Executive depends on the signature of the Minister.

The Liberals are opening negotiations with several key ministries that they are unwilling to give up. At the same time, PNL wants the leadership of the Chamber of Deputies from Ludovic Orban.

Ministries to which NLP does not yield

NLP is not willing to give up ministries like Defense, Foreign Relations, Justice, Transportation or Development. Discussions at the party have already begun about who could receive those wallets.

A tentative list analyzed in NLP looks like this:

Ministry of Defense – Nicolae Ciuca

Ministry of Foreign Affairs – Bogdan Aurescu

Ministry of Justice – Cătălin Predoiu

Ministry of Transport – Lucian Bode

Ministry of Development – Robert Sighiartău

Ministry of European Funds – Marcel Boloș

Ministry of Economy – Virgil Popescu

Liberals would also like to keep the Interior Ministry, with two names circulating there: Rareș Bogdan and Laurențiu Leoreanu.

In terms of Finance, after the passage of Florin Cîțu to the top of the Government, the leadership of the Ministry could be transferred to those of USRPLUS who insist on requesting this portfolio.

However, if PNL decides to keep the finances, the portfolio could be occupied by Lucian Heiuș, who was also proposed for this portfolio in the previous Cîțu government, which was not validated in parliament, in March.

However, the president of the PNL, Ludovic Orban, would like to impose on Ionel Dancă in finances, despite his lack of experience on the field, as a strategic move against Cîțu, so that he does not receive too much power within the party.

It should be noted that NLP is ready give up portfolios such as Education, Health, Work, Youth and Sports, Agriculture and Culture.

USR PLUS wants at least two “heavy” ministries

USR PLUS wants at least the leadership of two major ministries in government, which should be both advisory ministries and ministries with financial resources.

One of these ministries that could receive negotiations is the Ministry of Finance. Two names circulate here at the party: Claudiu Năsui (USR PLUS) and Anca Dragu (PLUS).

The party also hopes to lead the Ministry of Development, by Vice President Ionuț Moșteanu, but the Liberals would not want to lose the ministry with more money in the Government.

What could UDMR ask for in the negotiations?

The UDMR leaders would like to gain leadership from some ministries that they have not had in the past.

In previous governments, the UDMR has led ministries such as Health, Culture and the Environment. However, Hungarian leaders could also accept these areas, depending on how the talks unfold.

One of the important ministries that could be under the leadership of the UDMR is the Ministry of Education. The NLP is willing to give up this portfolio, taking into account that it is a ministry with many problems and that it can damage the image of the one in its leadership and of the party to which it belongs.

For Education, UDMR would have two ready names, Hegedus Csilla and Szabo Odon.

What could the government of Cîțu be like?

Prime Minister – Florin Cîțu (PNL)

One or more Deputy Prime Minister positions, possibly three – PNL / USRPLUS / UDMR

Ministry of the Interior – Marcel Vela / Laurențiu Leoreanu / Rareș Bogdan (PNL)

Ministry of Finance – Ionel Dancă / Lucian Heiuș (PNL) / Claudiu Năsui / Anca Dragu (USRPLUS)

Ministry of Foreign Affairs – Bogdan Aurescu

Ministry of Justice – Cătălin Predoiu (PNL) / Stelian Ion (USRPLUS)

Ministry of Defense – Nicolae Ciucă (PNL)

Ministry of Development – Robert Sighiartău / Florin Roman (PNL) / Ionuț Moșteanu (USRPLUS)

Ministry of Economy and Energy – Virgil Popescu (PNL) / Cristina Prună (USRPLUS)

Ministry of Transport – Lucian Bode (PNL)

Ministry of European Funds – Marcel Boloș (PNL)

Ministry of Health – Nelu Tătaru (PNL) / Cseke Attila (UDMR)

Ministry of Education – Monica Anisie / Sorin Câmpeanu / Raluca Turcan (PNL) / Hegedus Csilla / Szabo Odon (UDMR)

Ministry of Culture – Hegedus Csilla (UDMR)

Ministry of Labor – Violeta Alexandru (PNL) / Oana Țoiu / Cristian Seidler (USRPLUS)

Ministry of Agriculture – Adrian Oros / Emil Dumitru (PNL)

Ministry of the Environment – UDMR / USRPLUS

Ministry of Youth and Sports – Ionuț Stroe (PNL) / Oltean Csongor (UDMR)

Possibly two new ministries: Tourism and Communications.
