What are Pepe and Raluca Pastramă hiding? Forget everything you knew about divorce! The bomb was found


In an interview with ciao.ro, Oana Zăvoranu advanced a scenario according to which Pepe and Raluca Pastramă will finally reconcile and leave this divorce behind. The one who was Pepe’s wife before divorcing to marry Raluca Pastramă thinks that there is only one image strategy in between.

In fact, when Pepe married Raluca Pastramă, Oana Zăvoranu predicted that it would not be long until they separated. Finally, after an 8-year marriage, the two got divorced, and the main reason they came here seems to be related to an infidelity by Raluca, who allegedly cheated on Pepe with a millionaire from Qatar.

“I still don’t believe in this divorce!”

„Ciao.ro: The bomb exploded in the entertainment world with the announcement of the divorce of Pepe de Raluca, an announcement made by him. I know they predicted at one point that the marriage would not last. Do you enjoy this aspect, the fact that Pepe has bad luck in love?

Oana Zăvoranu: About Pepe’s old circus, I think he takes advantage of everything he can to always look like a victim. What never was, on the contrary! He’s incredibly slow, manipulative, and slippery. I still don’t believe in this divorce!

I still believe that he is hungry and is surprised that his divorce from Fiona (no, the nickname that Oana Zăvoranu gave Raluca Pastramă) does not interest anyone, but that is the truth. Among them, those of your world, do not take your eyes off. Whatever is there, they will cover it up and put the dirt under the rug.

With me, because I am Romanian, smart, diabolical and audiovisual laws were almost non-existent then, he could do so much circus. Now you will shake in vain … The world is already bored. People can see on this occasion how sincere these two are, who until three weeks ago posed in the perfect, wonderful and eternal family ”, said Oana Zăvoranu in the interview for ciao.ro.

Oana Zăvoranu doesn’t think Pepe beat Raluca

„Ciao.ro: What do you think about the writing, that he received a restraining order and that he beat Raluca Pastramă? Do you think your ex-husband is capable of this?

Oana Zăvoranu: They like this nonsense that the public easily hates and the lie they have been living in since they got married. That was not love, everything was forced, there were other things that destroyed me. But I have immunity to threats or maneuvers like this. They will reconcile because they will put the handkerchief on the drum …

Many people and I know things about these two marriages, how much he loved Fiona and how her parents practically made some arrangements between cousins, so that everything would work out … I know much more than I can say and everyone knows! The world that wants to believe in nonsense is free to be naive ”, is also shown in the interview.

Oana Zăvoranu will never forgive Pepe

When asked if she could make amends with Pepe after a relationship of almost 7 years and a marriage of two, which ended in 2011, Oana Zăvoranu said that this will never happen. We remind you that the divorce of the two was one with heavy attacks on both sides, and at that time the tabloid press speculated as much as possible about the war between the two.

“In my life and only on an island, if it were, I wouldn’t need it anymore. How much misery, lies and ordinary things it has brought into my life. There is nothing to discuss about reconciliation… Zero!

If he really cheated on her, he did it right! I have more information about him and her. I’m not interested in your situation, but I can give my opinion that I have what! He is zero without me anyway.

I don’t know what or who sang that I couldn’t bear even when I was with him to hear him sing. But I heard it was about me. Possibly who should I sing about so I can have a concert, two? ”, Oana Zăvoranu also told ciao.ro.
