The 10 defendants from the Tâmplaru – Bodi group appealed to the Craiova Court of Appeal the arrest measure.
However, seven of them did not win the case.
“Based on art. 425 ind.1 paragraph 7 point 2 letter of the Code of Criminal Procedure informed to art. 204 Code of Criminal Procedure; Rejects the appeals declared by the accused Bogdan Mihnea Ciprian, Gîdea Mircea Andrei, Judele ( ex Nicola, Vecerdea) Florin Adrian, Tîmplaru Constantin Adrian, Vasile Andrei Ionuţ, Nicolae Andrei Alin and Pasmac (ex Ceauşu) Florin Ionuţ, against decision n ° 228/2020 delivered at the council session of 09.12.2020 by the judge of rights and freedoms within the Dolj Court, as unfounded “, is shown in the judgment of the Craiova Court of Appeal /
Alex Bodi stayed home
It admits the appeals made by the defendants Bodi Alexandru Nicolae, Lăcătuş Marius Adrian and Lăcătuş Narcis Dumitru against the decision no. 228/2020 delivered in the session of the council room of 09.12.2020 by the judge of rights and freedoms of the Dolj Court . the contested decision on the defendants Bodi Alexandru Nicolae, Lăcătuş Marius Adrian and Lăcătuş Narcis Dumitru and retrial: Based on article 237, paragraphs 1 and 2 of the Code of Criminal Procedure, article 242, paragraph 2, of the Code of Procedure Criminal, and Article 218 of the Criminal Code rejects the proposal to extend the preventive detention measure against the defendants Bodi Alexandru Nicolae, Lăcătuş Marius Adrian and Lăcătuş Narcis Dumitru and orders the replacement of the preventive detention measure by that of arrest domiciliary against the defendants Bodi Alexandru Nicolae, Lăcătuş Marius Adrian and Lăcătuş Narcis Dumitru, for a period of 30 days, from 18.12.2020 and until 16.01.2021, inclusive “, decided the Craiova magistrates.
What obligations does Bodi have?
“Based on article 221 paragraph 1 of the Code of Criminal Procedure, it imposes on the accused Bodi Alexandru Nicolae, the obligation not to leave the building where he lives without legal forms located in the Tunari commune, Fagului street 3, Ilfov county, authorization of the judicial body that ordered the measure or before which the case is based on article 221 paragraph 2 of the Code of Criminal Procedure, during house arrest the defendant Bodi Alexandru Nicolae has the following obligations: – to appear before the criminal prosecution body or the judge of rights and freedoms, the judge of the preliminary chamber or the court, whenever summoned; – not communicate with the injured persons … “, ruled the Craiova Court of Appeal
Bodi went to prison in the residence of the commune of Tunari (Ilfov)
Alex Bodi walked out the door of the Craiova penitentiary together with the accused Lăcătuş. A friend was waiting for him and helped him carry his luggage to the car. After hugging the other two lieutenants of the group, Bodi left for the residence in the Tunari commune where he will stay for the next 30 days. Sources in the investigation say that Bianca Dragusanu’s ex-husband was convinced that he would not be left behind bars for Christmas and relied on hired lawyers.
Alex Bodi was placed in preventive detention on November 12 by the Dolj Court for a period of 30 days, in a case in which he is accused of forming an organized criminal group, trafficking in persons, pimping and blackmail. On December 9, magistrates extended their pretrial detention for another 29 days, but Bodi challenged the measure.
Alex Bodi was denounced by his ex-wife, who confessed that between 2014 and 2016 she was forced to practice prostitution in several clubs in Germany.
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