What a fitness instructor says about President Klaus Iohannis’ fitness


The country’s president, Klaus Iohannis, was vaccinated against Covid-19 on Friday morning at the Central Military Hospital in Bucharest.

Thus began the second stage of the immunization campaign and he recommended that Romanians follow his example.

The event, broadcast live, is intensively discussed online and offline. And it is not only about the vaccination, but also about the excellent physical condition of the president, after he revealed his arm.

Klaus Iohannis arrived at the Central Military Hospital at 10 in the morning. The manager of the institution led him to the room where the vaccine was administered.

It all lasted just a few seconds, followed by minutes in which medical staff made sure there were no serious side effects. Klaus Iohannis will return after 21 days for the booster dose.

Klaus Iohannis: “It is a simple procedure, it does not hurt and I emphasize that it is safe, effective and I recommend vaccination to everyone. Vaccination along with compliance will get us out of the pandemic. “

The event revived many Romanians. The appearance of the president in sports attire, with his arm extended, sparked heated discussions. Admiring or funny.

Police officer Marian Godină commented that from the images it is obvious that there was a gym in Cotroceni and someone even uses it. Others photographed his arm and through their posts launched the “Iohannis challenge”.

There were also false images in which the president is passed on the 500 lei note, instead of the poet Mihai Eminescu.

Gelu Duminică, sociologist: “The president is a man, a man who takes care of his health and plays sports. And for the society where the president was perceived as old or with certain human weaknesses, President Iohannis is atypical for the president of the last 30 years. It is a fascination for a character who sees himself in a certain way, health is taken care of here ”.

Sportsmen say that to be in such shape by the age of 61 it is necessary to exercise regularly.

Elías, fitness instructor: “It just came to our knowledge then. It’s about food, exercise. You can see that you do physical activity because you have muscle tone. After 40 years, muscle tone indicates that you are moving. Now I don’t know whether to be in shape or something like that. , It is really impressive “.

And, so far, Klaus Iohannis has gained in image compared to other world leaders who were filmed or photographed when they were vaccinated.

We refer to King Abdullah II of Jordan, the Greek Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis, the Turkish President Recep Tayp Erdogan, the Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu or the President-elect of the United States, Joe Biden.
