“We would need 300 years to overcome Android and iOS,” says Huawei founder and CEO Ren Zhengfei


A few days after Huawei announced its results for the first quarter of this year, the company’s founder and CEO, Ren Zhengfei He gave an interview in which he spoke about the state of the company and its prospects for the future. Perhaps his most interesting statement was one in which he alludes to a too wide gap between a Huawei operating system and iOS or Android.

The exact claim is that Huawei would need 300 years to overcome Android or iOS. It is just one of the statements by which the official wants to demonstrate a non-warlike attitude towards American companies. Ren pointed out whenever he could The importance of partnering with Google, however, leaving in some interviews a legal vacuum for “If all the alternatives fail we will have our own solution … maybe”. That’s right, HongMeng OS / Harmony exists, but only in the company’s data centers and televisions.

In May 2019, Huawei was put on a entity blacklistcommercial who were not allowed to operate in the United States and have partnerships with American companies. This cut the company’s access to Google’s components and services, but also to the Play Store. At this time the CEO of the company sees Harmony OS like not being ready to fight giants like iOS and Android. The official also said he was not particularly seeking to replace American components and described the United States as “a good friend”.

Only American companies with a special license and not operating in key areas of the state apparatus can work with Huawei at this time. Zhengfei also claims that the world is already used to iOS and Android, and Huawei It was too late to catch up with rivals in the area of ​​software platforms. The official also mentioned friendly relations with Google and Apple, in the context of 5G projects. What the official said about Huawei’s mobile services versus Google’s mobile services can be found in the full interview here (with Google Translate).

I tend to agree with the gap and every time I brought out an operating system, iOS and Android quickly respected it, whether we’re talking about Tizen, Windows Phone, KaiOS (how Google grew and bought it), Sailfish, Firefox OS, and more. .

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