We will try to reinstate these measures. Relaxation should be viewed with caution.


The Minister of Health, Nelu Tătaru, declared on Wednesday night, regarding the amendments presented by Parliament to the law that regulates the state of emergency, which will be attempted, on Thursday, at the government meeting, that “these measures will be reinstated, “adding that relaxation should be viewed with” more caution. “

“Tomorrow, at the government meeting, we will try in the National Committee for Emergency Situations to reestablish these measures and these small relaxations that we offer progressively. (…) By entering gradually, we can manage them. By entering progressively, we can pay attention to each one of them. They were adopted under the conditions in which we had the countermeasure. Coming too early with some relaxation measures, we exacerbate the risk of creating a community transmission.

“This relaxation should be viewed with more caution (…) I would have liked those who challenge today (pandemic – n.red.) To compete a month ago. If we thought about what it was like a month ago, when I didn’t see anyone, When there were very few of us on the barricades and a medical body that lacked resources was trying to control a pandemic, I would have wanted those gentlemen who went public today or who change some laws would have spoken even then, “said Nelu Tătaru, in Realitatea Plus.

The deputies approved the law that stipulates the measures ordered during the state of alert. According to the normative act, during the state of alert, the authorities can impose quarantine and isolation, restrict or prohibit the movement of people and vehicles and prohibit the organization of concerts, demonstrations or processions.

The law also stipulates that small shopping centers and terraces can be opened. Citizens must wear a protective mask in closed public spaces, shops and public transport, and the fines range from 500 to 2,500 lei. The law won’t take effect until early next week.

Publisher: I. I.
