We will take action when we have an infection rate of 3.4 per thousand


The central authorities gave different figures on the contagion rate in the last 14 days of people with coronavirus. The National Public Health Inspection announced a contagion rate of 3.11 per thousand, for Sunday, while the Government, through the Strategic Communication Group, today provided a rate of 2.69 per thousand. Gheorghe Cojanu, the prefect of the Capital, said that it is an error of the INSP and that “they will correct it”.

Update 14:50. INSP announced a correction regarding the incidence rate of coronavirus infections in Bucharest, instead of the initially announced 3.11 per thousand. Therefore, the infection rate is 2.65 per thousand.

Monica Anisie announced that she requested a meeting with the prefect of the Capital to prepare for the entrance to the red stage, if the daily balance sheets deteriorate.

The Minister of Education specified that “at this moment, the rate in Bucharest is 2.69. So we did not cross the threshold of 3. We only had one work session to be prepared if necessary ”.

He also said that the joint ministerial order with the Ministry of Health stipulates “that, if there is a threshold of 3 for several days, it enters the red stage.”

At the insistence of journalists that the INSP reported a figure of 3.11 per thousand inhabitants, Anisie replied that this should be clarified by the head of the INSP.

Gheorghe Cojanu, the prefect of the Capital, said in turn that “the INSP communicated a figure by mistake, it rectified, today’s rate is 2.69”.

“4 million is too much, but 2.5 million is the real figure,” he said of Bucharest’s population.

“After this figure of 3 is exceeded, we will take measures, but not to 3.05, but to 3.4,” he stressed.

He wanted to specify that “the actual population is no longer 2.1 million, it is somewhere at 2.5 million.”

We are waiting for a three day level to see that the figure increases and on the third day we will give a decision. It is not about the quarantine by sector; it is very difficult, not impossible. If there are areas, we will do that as well, “Cojanu added.

However, at the insistence of journalists, the prefect of the Capital responded: “The INSP said that they will give a correction (…) It was said that it is a mistake and they will correct it.” “The rate reported today – 2.69 – is for the population of 2,153,000,” he added.

Gheorghe Cojanu also replied that it is “not dangerous” to wait for the infection rate above 3 to be on an increasing trend for three days.

Publisher: GC
