“We will return, one way or another”


Donald Trump left the White House a few hours before Joe Biden’s inauguration as president of the United States. Trump departed aboard the presidential helicopter, Marine One, around 8:20 a.m. Washington time (3:20 p.m. Romanian time), accompanied by his wife, Melania.

Update 15:44“We will return, one way or another,” Donald Trump told supporters in a statement at Andrews Air Force Base, where the Trumps will depart for Florida for the last time with US Air Force One. as president and first lady of America.

Trump’s last speech as president of the United States

“It has been four extraordinary years, what we have done has been amazing, from any point of view: we have strengthened the United States Army, we have created the United States Space Force. I took care of the veterans, who were previously treated very wrong, now I can get health care. I promoted the biggest tax cuts in US history. I hope taxes don’t go up, but if they do, I’ve warned you, “said Donald Trump.

“I will always fight for you, I will listen to you and tell you that the future of this country has never been better. The future administration has the foundations to do something extraordinary. I wish success and good luck to the new administration ”.

“The things we did were incredible and I just say goodbye, thank you and we will be back in one way or another. I want to thank Vice President Mike Pence. I want to thank all the people of Washington. See you soon! “Trump said.

Trump, the last flight of the White House

Around 3:30 p.m. Romanian time, the Trumps landed at the Andrews military base in Maryland, located about 10 miles from Washington. The flight from the White House to the air base took about 10 minutes.

Trump decided not to attend the inauguration of his successor in the White House, thus violating one of the oldest traditions of the American republic and the peaceful transfer of power.

It is the first time in 151 years that a president has refused to attend the inauguration ceremony of his successor. The last time such an event took place was in 1869, when President Andrew Johnson refused to participate in the inauguration of his successor, Ulysses Grant.

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In recent days, Trump has been angry and isolated in the White House, according to statements by his subordinates. CNN wrote last week that his advisers decided to do it in such a way as to reduce his public appearances as much as possible to prevent him from making reckless remarks about the January 6 insurrection.

In his last official speech, a recorded video, Trump said he would “pray for the success” of the future administration but declined to name or mention his successor in the White House, Joe Biden.

In his last hours in office, Donald Trump pardoned 143 people. Among those who received the presidential pardon were his former strategist Steve Bannon, but also celebrities such as rapper Lil Wayne and people convicted of serious corruption. However, Donald Trump failed to grant pardons for himself or his family as a precautionary measure.

Publisher: ML
