We will not give up anti-COVID measures


The Police and the Gendarmerie announced this morning that 222 fines were imposed, amounting to 200,000 lei and that 188 people are being heard after last night’s protest in the Capital. These are the ones that caused incidents in Unirii Square. However, the capital’s prefect, Alin Stoica, says that the protests will not cause authorities to renounce new measures to limit the spread of COVID-19.

“I had a protest that, in the end, lost its peaceful character. A group of protesters sat on the road for no reason. At one point, three people from this group moved in another direction, several colleagues tried to legitimize them, and then they turned violent. At the time of the immobilization of these people, those who were sitting on the road threw stones and injured my colleagues and caused material damage. We have identified 188 people, “said Colonel Ionel-Cătălin Stegăroiu, head of the Bucharest Gendarmerie.

He added that 12 gendarmes were injured.

“We assure all citizens that all our actions are carried out only for the benefit and safety of the citizen,” he said.

Bogdan Berechet, head of the Bucharest Police Directorate General, said investigations are being launched for outrage, disorderly conduct, destruction, destruction by arson, aggravated robbery, non-compliance with the weapons and ammunition regime.

“Showcases, food jumps, street furniture, bus stops, transport windows have been smashed,” he said.

“The 188 people taken to the police are identified, photographed, fingerprinted, most of them were punished. 222 fines amounting to more than 200,000 lei were imposed, eight of which were awarded to the organizers. Identified persons are listened to and legal measures are ordered. We are carrying out activities to identify those who caused destruction and disturbed public order, ”added Berechet.

The prefect of the Capital, Alin Stoica, says there are many more Bucharest residents who understand and respect the measures to limit COVID-19 and that they will not be changed after the protests.

“We will not renounce these measures, because they are designed to protect us. The actions of 2,000 people will not change our mind,” he said.

Stoica added that the protests will not be blocked, because “blocking the protest means confrontation”, and the authorities do not want that.

“Those who instigated violence must pay. Those who instigate non-compliance with measures that endanger the health of Romanians, those who instigate violence against state forces of order, those who care more about promoting their own image than for the general interest of the Romanians and the State, they are not patriots. The patriots are those who protected the rule of law, those who refused to respond to the challenges so as not to endanger the people who demonstrated peacefully, “he wrote formerly the prefect on Facebook.

Editing: Monica Bonea
