We will intensify the controls. What does it say about quarantine?


The prefect of the Capital, Alin Stoica, declared, on Sunday, before the meeting of the Committee on Emergency Situations, that the current restrictions will be extended for 14 days and the controls of the teams composed of policemen, gendarmes, DSP inspectors and ITM . it will intensify. He specified that the authorities did not propose the measure to quarantine Bucharest and that the isolation of certain areas or sectors is impossible.

“Today we will have the meeting of the Committee on Emergency Situations. As I prepared for the meeting, I asked all the member entities of this committee for their views. The common opinion is that we will expand the measures that are still in force today. We do not intend to introduce other measures.

We will intensify the controls, we have proposals in this regard. We will follow the situation very closely. It is quite delicate, we are surrounded by quarantine in Ilfov county. Most of the localities went there. Ilfov County requested the support of the Capital Police to organize the filters between Ilfov and Bucharest. It is quite an intense activity and requires a lot of strength.

I am in constant contact with the health authorities and if they point out that we need to introduce other measures, we will surely do so, ”said Alin Stoica.

Asked what measures he takes into account if the contagion rate exceeds 6 per thousand inhabitants, he replied: “The first measure in the joint order of the Ministry of Education and Health is that there will be no more classes with children. As we have seen in other localities, when it is older than 6, the rule is that the health authorities also propose the quarantine measure ”.

Regarding the control actions, the prefect specified that they are organized jointly with various entities.

“Police, gendarmerie, DSP, ITM. These teams primarily focus on busy areas and population compliance. It was found that in areas where the population voluntarily complies with these measures, the situation is generally kept under control. There we are not necessarily interested in fines, but in warning the population that they must comply with the measures, ”Stoica added.

Regarding the individual quarantine of the sectors, he stated: “I don’t think it is an effective measure. You cannot quarantine a city in pieces. It is impossible”.

Editing: Alexandru Costea
