We will extend payments to parents of children learning in Scenarios 2 and 3


Currently, the Ministry of Labor makes payments to parents in situations in which an entire school unit or a class is in a position to handle a COVID outbreak, based on the epidemiological opinion issued by the DSP, Minister Violeta said on Thursday Alexandru, mentioning that the ordinance on the Government’s agenda extends these payments to cases related to the operation of schools in scenarios 2 and 3.

“We are ready a week ago with the emergency ordinance (on payment to parents – no.), But the ordinance had to go through all stages of approval, including the opinion of the Economic and Social Council and the Legislative Council. The subject is really of great interest, During the last days, since we are in the homologations circuit, a series of comments and additions have arrived. Laboral currently makes payments for all situations in which, according to the epidemiological opinion issued By the DSP, a school unit in its entirety or a class is in a situation to manage a COVID outbreak, we have in payment, we have this situation in management. Now we are practically expanding the scope of applicability of Ordinance 147 by 2020 following the joint order of the Minister of National Education and the Minister of Health, this order that establishes the three scenarios discussed in the public space. As a result of the order issued after s of the Ordinance, we came to complete the Ordinance in order to have the legal framework to cover the situations of parents of children who study in scenarios 2 and 3 “, said Violeta Alexandru at the beginning of the Government meeting, in reference to GEO.

He added that the Ministry of Labor handled all the situations that arose during this period, but, following the order of the two ministers, the legal framework approved at that time must be completed with scenarios 2 and 3.

Editor: Iulia Iancu
