We think that at some point we will have problems with the medication


Hospitals are prepared to face an increase in the number of daily coronavirus infections, but they have a limit, which is very close, warns Emilian Imbri, manager of the “Victor Babeș” infectious disease hospital in the capital. The doctor also sounds an alarm: as the number of diseases increases around the world, and the purchase of drugs used in the treatment of COVID will become increasingly difficult. Emilian Imbri told Digi24 that there is no longer a drug that “Victor Babeș” doctors used in treatment regimens, because the respective company decreased its production.

“For two or three days, we have faced problems finding ways to leave the seats for those who come that day. We no longer have, like two or three months ago, free places. We also have Pipera, some modular hospitals have been opened, which can help you, up to a point. Either staying home or staying there is almost the same, only in the modular hospital you have medical care. As the number of places in the hospital, we are already close to a maximum, “said Emilian Imbri, asked if there are still places for patients with COVID in the” Victor Babeș “hospital.

“It just came to our knowledge then. We were talking about flexibility in the hospital management decision. It does not necessarily mean putting more beds in the hospital courtyard or making tents. It means that at some point you can go back to some hospitals that have resumed the activity for patients chronic, for common patients, if you do not even try with these mobile units, with these pavilion structures and that can guarantee your comfort in the rain to accommodate you and a clear security in terms of supervision, “said the manager.

One of the drugs used for COVID is no longer in “Victor Babeș”

“But we are thinking that at some point we will have problems with the medication,” added Emilian Imbri. He referred to the possibility of accessing commonly used medications. “I want to tell you that we do not use them, that we think they would be good, we use them because they are used by all the countries where this pandemic is occurring. Using them in all countries, whoever has access to these drugs and has the financial strength to buy them will buy them and little by little they will disappear from our market.“Caught the attention of the manager of” Victor Babeș “.

He explained that the hospital he runs is not necessarily a problem caused by lack of supply. “It is a problem that is already getting worse, I do not want to say neither the name of the company nor the name of the drug, but there is a company that stopped the production of one of the drugs we use in treatment regimens. Interrupted by COVID, it was probably considered not that efficient, not that it hurts, they probably can no longer produce in such a large quantity as to cover the global demand. The production of this medicine was maintained by what is used as a medicine in other diseases, because all the medicines that are given in this disease are, in fact, medicines that are used in other areas ”, said Emilian Imbri.

“This option, let’s say, the decision of this large manufacturer in the drug market practically for the supply of this drug and we have to focus on something similar. Fortunately, there is something similar and true that in the coming days, weeks, we will reorient ourselves. Doctors and clinicians are those who have already thought of an alternative ”, said the manager.

Imbri: “The circle is tightening. Let’s enjoy every minute that we are healthy “

When asked about the COVID vaccine, Dr. Imbre said that the only moment we can enjoy is the one we live in every minute that we are not sick. “My feeling is that little by little, little by little, the circle is tightening around us in the face of the disease, as if we felt that we would all go through the disease,” said Imbri.

“Speaking of vaccines, of course there are many companies, there are many large companies, trusts, which also have the financial strength to do research, to go to market. We limit ourselves to what they say, the claim of some that next summer we have the vaccine on the market, yes, I do. However, what market? This question continues. Because look at you, the financial strength of these companies is backed by the financial strength of the states in which they operate and which states to say, logically, naturally: Sir, he’s giving me the first 50 million doses“Commented Emilian Imbri, manager of the” Victor Babeș “Hospital in the capital.

At the EU level, there is already a mechanism to buy various types of vaccines and an agreement on a balanced distribution between Member States, which greatly benefits Romania, which has pre-ordered 10 million doses of vaccine through of the EU.

Editor: Luana Pavaluca
