We see to what extent the family environment is still suitable for these children ”, says the head of ANDPCA


The Bistrița-Năsăud social authorities are conducting a social inquiry into the family of the mayor of Sângeorz Băi and will determine whether the family environment is still suitable for the mayor’s children, following images in which Traian Ogâgău punishes and humiliates his daughter, a minor of 14 years.

“The social survey involves a specialized team to evaluate the children from a psychosocial point of view, to see to what extent the family environment is still suitable for them, what need for support these children have and how they can be supported during this period ”. , said, on Thursday evening, on Digi24, Mădălina Turza, president of the National Authority for the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, Children and Adoptions (ANDPCA).

He explained that such a survey is complex, it is not only discussed with children and is carried out over a longer period of time, to have “more elements of context”.

“The child is not alone in the family, he has two parents and that is why the DGASCP specialists, together with the mother and the rest of the family will find the best solutions in this regard,” said Mădălina Turza when asked if after this episode, the girl will be safe in the family until the end of the social investigation.

“I cannot guarantee the child’s safety at this time, but what I can tell you is that he is with the father who is not suspected of assaulting the child,” added the ANDPCA official. Observing that this father defended the other father for what he did, Mădălina Turza said, “I know how to tell you these details right now. What I can tell you is that if this child is in imminent danger, the Directorate that investigates and investigates the case is in permanent contact with the family and is always ready to institute an emergency measure regarding the two children. or simply the girl ”.

“It is intolerable”

Mădălina Turza learned of this case on Wednesday night, on social media, when she says that she contacted “instantly”, informally, with the directorate of the General Directorate for Social Assistance and Child Protection of Bistrița-Năsăud, telling them that in the first hour they will receive from the institution all the necessary documents to notify the criminal investigation bodies, but also to start their own investigation, from a social perspective.

A criminal case has already been opened, in rem for now, for ill-treatment of the minor. However, the results of the social survey will arrive before the final survey is completed, Mădălina Turza says.

“Like any decent parent and person in this world, I was deeply disturbed by the images,” confessed Mădălina Turza on Digi24 on Thursday night. “It is intolerable to have situations of this type in Romania in 2020, especially since we are not talking about a situation that arose at the family level, how to say, extremely vulnerable, subject to extreme living conditions, with extraordinary needs, which exert.

The mayor’s argument that only he has the right to decide on the education of his children is not relevant from a legal or moral point of view, because the education of the child in the family must be carried out within the limits of the legal framework. Madalina Turza said.

16,000 cases of domestic abuse in a year

In 2019-2020 there were nearly 16,000 cases of abuse, abandonment and exploitation in the family, and the differences between urban and rural are not significant, which shows a serious social problem related to human education and social determinism , that is, we are the carriers. our own childhood experiences and perpetuate wrong patterns and trauma in our own children, the ANDPCA official said.

Parents in this case, both mother and father, say that, in fact, children are loved. “What I can tell you is that the perception of this love is very subjective. Love does not manifest itself with blows, blows, coercion and beyond all this psychological dimension there are current legal norms that every father in this country must respect, and when he does not respect them, he will bear the consequences. the law, no matter who that man is, ”said Mădălina Turza.

He also specified that he directed to Facebook a request to remove the images of the humiliated girl from social networks, as well as to the press, in order to protect the rights of the minor.

Editor: Luana Pavaluca
