We have reason for moderate optimism. Vaccination campaign, a matter of national security


President Klaus Iohannis was optimistic on Friday about the evolution of the COVID-19 pandemic, but said things will look better if “we have patience” and respect the measures imposed by the authorities. The president also announced that next week he will talk with representatives of the Ministry of the Interior, the Ministry of National Defense and the Ministry of Health about the vaccination campaign, which is “a matter of national security.”

“Today’s data shows that we have reasons for moderate to moderate optimism. We see that the number of cases has not increased compared to the previous days and I believe that what I have been saying for a few days is confirmed, that, in terms of the number of new cases, we are on a plateau. Also today we could see that the number of people cured is approximately equal to the number of people who, unfortunately, were detected with this disease. Let’s see if, in the coming days, this trend is confirmed. However, we can already say that the measures taken by the authorities were the correct ones, they were the appropriate ones ”, the president transmitted.

Klaus Iohannis urges citizens to be “patient” and continue to comply with the measures, so that in two weeks at the latest we will see an improvement in the situation.

“Things will look even better if we are patient and if we continue to adhere to these measures with holiness. If we do, in a week or two we can have results that show a clear improvement in the situation, ”said the head of state.

The president also referred to the vaccination campaign, which he said “must be a success.” The discussions will take place next week at the Cotroceni Palace.

“In terms of vaccination, in my opinion, the vaccination campaign must be a success and, as such, the vaccination campaign is a matter of national security. For this we have called a meeting, a meeting, for Monday, a meeting that will be attended, in addition to me, by the Minister of Defense, the Minister of the Interior and the Minister of Health and we will clarify all aspects of the vaccination campaign by security issue. national ”, the president also transmitted.

Publisher: RK
