We have 4.9 million Romanians with an average pension of 1,500 lei. 9,500 beneficiaries of special pensions have an average of 9,600 lei


Labor Minister Raluca Turcan says Romania has 4.9 million retirees with an average pension of 1,500 lei. On the other hand, 9,500 people have special pensions whose average value is 9,600 lei.

“For the increase in pensions, in September last year, the budget effort was about 8 billion lei. The total effort to combat the pandemic was approximately 16 billion lei. Regarding pensions, we must think about the general panorama of the budget, how much pensions can increase and we will also point out the special pensions ”, said Turcan from Realitatea Plus.

“We have 9,500 beneficiaries of special pensions, the average pension is 9,600 lei. At the same time, there are 4.9 million pensioners in the public pension system, with an average pension of 1,500 lei. In total, in Romania there are approximately 2 , 7 million retirees who are below the average level of Romania. The whole world feels like an inequity that has occurred over time through special pension laws, “added the minister.

Raluca Turcan announced that in a year and a half, approximately 5 million pension files could be put into electronic format, and then recalculated.

“We have around 250,000 farmers’ pensions in letter format. If someone had wanted to recalculate them, they would have had to think about putting them in electronic format so that all the data would be entered. 250,000 files will be taken one by one. Every week I intend to be in the funds pension of the territory to see how this process goes. We still have 3.6 million files in a semi-outdated format and 1.3 million files in a format that could be recovered faster. We would like to make this effort in a year and a half, trying to complement the capacity of pension countries with European funds.

In a year and a half, these approximately 5 million files will be put into electronic format and then recalculated, a process that takes very little time. Another effort was made between 2005 and 2008, in three years a million pensions were recalculated, that’s all, “he added.

Editing: Monica Bonea
