“We demand a return to normalcy. Stop promoting Covid vaccines!” Monica Pop and Adina Alberts, among the signatories


Several doctors, including Monica Pop, Razvan Constantinescu, Adina Alberts, as well as pharmacists and dentists, released an open letter asking President Klaus Iohannis, parliamentarians and governors to “stop the policy of perpetuating the state of Romania from until now, the back to normal. ” .
They appreciate that the strategy to combat the pandemic is incorrect and criticize the obligation to wear a mask outdoors, monitoring the temperature when entering stores. In addition, it calls for the lifting of traffic bans, the cessation of the promotion of anti-COVID vaccines.

The signatories also demand that doctors be able to use their own treatment schemes for COVID patients, and that authorities stop inducing psychosis and manipulating statistical data. Some of the signatories of the document have repeatedly publicly criticized the measures taken by the Government to combat the spread of COVID-19.

Other requests contained in the open letter:

“1. Stop wearing masks, especially outdoors.
Masks are medical devices and if they are not used correctly they are useless! In addition, after a short period of use in a sterile space, they become sources of infection, as they get wet and germs find a perfect culture medium in them. We don’t even talk about the non-compliant (most of them in Romania).
Stop forcing our children to wear masks at school!

2. Stop controlling the temperature when entering stores or other institutions!
The determination of the temperature and the epidemiological triage carried out by “medical guards” is a medical act that must be carried out (according to Romanian legislation, but also worldwide, on the matter) only by qualified personnel.

3. Stop traffic bans! Prohibiting the movement of citizens in certain time intervals has no epidemiological logic.

With restrictive measures you discredited the Police and the Gendarmerie. You have turned policemen and gendarmes into criminals, forcing them to apply some administrative acts that flagrantly violate the Constitution and the laws of the country!

4. Stop promoting Covid vaccines!
Romanian law, but also European law, prohibits the advertising of medicines. Vaccination is a medical act. No medical act can be performed under duress or pressure!

5. Stop hindering physicians from treating their patients with treatment regimens that you think are the best fit for them!

6. Stop discrediting and compromising the medical body, the medical act, the hospitals. Any voice in the medical world that dares to give an opinion other than the official one is discredited in the rudest possible way.

7. Stop manipulating medical statistics and forcing doctors to falsify death certificates!

People who died from various pathologies were declared dead by Covid. In addition, it closed hospitals, prohibiting Romanians from accessing medical services.

8. Stop the wrong communication strategy (possibly programmatic), through apocalyptic daily announcements, which leads to serious depressions in the population and so terrified by the financial problems derived from the collapse of economic activity in all areas!

9. Stop the campaign to denigrate doctors (especially those from ATI) and hospital activity, as this leads to a decrease in public confidence in the health system and the non-presentation or late presentation of patients to the doctor , which translates into an increase in the number of patients, severe cases, with the increase in treatment costs, but also with the increase in the number of deaths!

10. Stop the destruction of the Romanian economy! It has exercised its power over Romanian citizens and companies at its discretion, leading to bankruptcy. You don’t understand medicine, you have unqualified or ill-intentioned counselors. Let doctors do medicine, as this is their profession, and support them!

11. Stop terrorizing the population, stop causing psychosis, stop manipulating statistics! Stop the states of emergency / alert motivated by the so-called “pandemic”! It does not exist, especially as long as it has not been declared by an official document! “
